HTML-Kit is a proprietary HTML editor for Microsoft Windows made by
The application is a full-featured HTML editor designed to edit, format, validate, preview and publish web pages in HTML, XHTML and XML -languages.
HTML-Kit is freeware, although extra features are available at a cost to registered users.
An Alpha version, HTML-Kit Tools (previously named build 300), is in development and is currently only available for download by registered users. Build 292, the current stable build is available for download as freeware.
HTML-Kit colours HTML code and has built-in preview. It includes internal, external, server-side and live preview modes; FTP Workspace for uploading, downloading and online editing of files.
HTML-Kit can be extended with plugins. Over 400 free plugins are available for download via the program's web site. The default installation of HTML Kit does include some plugins of general utility, such as HTML Tidy for creating standards-compliant HTML/XHTML pages, a library of code snippets and an HTML color picker.