According to data from CIA World Factbook (2009), the countries with the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Europe are Estonia (1.20% in people aged 15–49), Ukraine (1.10%), Russia (1.00%), Latvia (0.70%), Portugal (0.60%).
In Western Europe, the routes of transmission of HIV are diverse, including paid sex, sex between men, intravenous drugs, mother to child transmission and heterosexual sex. However, many new infections in this region occur through contact with HIV-infected individuals from other regions. The adult (15–49) prevalence in this region is 0.3% with between 570,000 and 890,000 people currently living with HIV. Due to the availability of antiretroviral therapy, deaths from AIDS have stayed low since the introduction of protease inhibitors and combination therapy in the late 1990s. The Economist reported in January 2000 that almost 40% of "AIDS victims" are intravenous drug users.
At the end of 2007, it was estimated that around 800,000 people were living with HIV in Western and Central Europe. This represents 8.1% increase over the estimated 740,000 in 2006. The highest rates were reported from Estonia, Portugal and Latvia; the lowest rates were reported by Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania. Although the numbers are relatively small when compared to the number of people living with HIV in areas such as Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS in Western and Central Europe is still considered a major public health issue.
I've got a sweet little angel
And I love the way she spreads her wings
Yes, I got a sweet little angel
And I love the way she spreads her wings
Yes, when she spreads her wings around me
You know I get joy in everything
I asked my baby for a nickel
And she gave me a twenty dollar bill
Yes, asked my baby for a nickel
And she gave me a twenty dollar bill
I asked her for a little drink of liquor
My baby gave me a whiskey still
Yes, if my baby should quit me
Lord, I do believe I would die
Yes, if my baby my baby should quit me
I do believe I would die
Yes, if you done love me little angel
Please, please tell me the reason why
I just got to have a little more