The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health. It is a statutory body that regulates and inspects all UK clinics providing in vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination and the storage of human eggs, sperm or embryos. It also regulates Human Embryo research.
After the birth of Louise Brown, the world's first IVF baby, there was inevitably some concern about the implications of this new technology. In 1982, the government brought together a committee chaired by philosopher Mary Warnock to look into the issues and see what action needed to be taken.
Hundreds of interested individuals and organisations gave evidence to the committee from doctors, scientists and health organisations to patient and parent organisations and religious groups.
The final report has been much admired around the world for the depth and delicacy of its consideration of these very controversial and emotive issues.
inspector gadget
go mr gadget go thats the name
spell it out till it don't sound the same
its the g-a-d to the g-e-t
gadget on the mic wanna rock with me
yo stop that guy with a claw for a hand
go mr gadget with the master plan
inspect the scene of the crime
don't make me
but i'll hit ya with a go gadget rhyme
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
the city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's number one
now who's that man with a master plan
to bring peace to the land ya gotta understand
inspector g's the name and law's the game
he's gotta track down claw cos the guys insane
and so he works downtown as a...
looks kinda funny acts like the clown
but he be gettin criminals lock them in bars
go gadget copter jet propeller cars
he jumps up and out of the seat
and bounces higher with the springs in his feet
you know he'll always be around land or the sky
and you know inspector gadget is a hell of a guy c'mon
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know he's the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide, gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
when there's a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know hes the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's number one