The startup company H2O.ai was launched in 2011 in Mountain View, California (in Silicon Valley). The company was originally named 0xdata but changed its name in 2014 to match its flagship product, H2O, which is open-source software for big data analysis.
H2O.ai was started with financing of 8.9 million U.S. dollars (USD), which had grown to 13.6 million USD by 2014, with backing from individual and institutional investors. In 2014 it listed 20 clients, including PayPal and Ebay. The speed and flexibility of H2O allow users to fit hundreds or thousands of potential models as part of discovering patterns in data. With H2O, users can throw models at data to find usable information, allowing H2O to discover patterns. Using H2O, Cisco estimates each month 20 thousand models of its customers' propensities to buy while Google fits different models for each client according to the time of day.
Its co-founder and chief executive officer, SriSatish Ambati, had helped to start Platfora, a big-data firm that develops software for the Apache Hadoop distributed file system. Co-founder Cliff Click serves as the chief technical officer, after having developed software for big data at HotSpot and Azul Systems. H2O's mathematical core is developed with the leadership of Arno Candel; after H2O was rated as the best "open-source Java machine learning project" by GitHub's programming members, Candel was named to the first class of "Big Data All Stars" by Fortune in 2014. The firm's scientific advisors are experts on statistical learning theory and mathematical optimization.