Gurak or Ghurak was a medieval Sogdian ruler in Central Asia during the period of the Muslim conquest of Transoxiana. In 710, he was installed as king (Sogdian: ikhshid) of Samarkand after the populace overthrew his predecessor, Tarkhun, due to his pro-Muslim stance. The Umayyad governor, Qutayba ibn Muslim, campaigned against Samarkand but in the end confirmed Gurak as its ruler. Gurak was a cautious and intelligent ruler, and managed, through shifting alliance between the Muslims and the Turgesh, to remain on his throne. Some time after the Muslim defeat at the Battle of the Defile in 731, he managed to recover his capital, Samarkand, and achieve a quasi-independence which he maintained until his death in 737 or 738. His realm was then divided among his relatives (known from Chinese sources): Tu-ho, formerly prince of Kabudhan, received Samarkand, Me-chu'o was king of Mayamurgh, while a certain Ko-lopu-lo who was king of Ishtikhan in 742 may perhaps be identified with Gurak's brother Afarun.
I knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
(You don't think you can)
They don't sell the product to you
They sell you to the product
They don't give a fuck about you
They just want their deadly dosh
I wish you could see through this
I wish you could believe
That you can really do this
I know you can
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
You don't think you can
They don't want to know about
Your aspirations
They don't care about where they are
Sending you to
They dont't mind they don't mind
To blacken your stream
They are pulling you along
So when will you see
That i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
(dreaming of returning
you are dreaming of returning to that
to that same world