Gunnr (alternatively guðr) is an Old Norse term meaning "battle". It is the name of a valkyrie in Norse mythology, and was also used as a feminine given name. The modern forms Gun and Gunn remain in use as a feminine given name in Scandinavia.
The word is from Proto-Germanic*gunþiz, which is a common element of Germanic names not only in North but also in West Germanic, as second element especially frequent in feminine names (as in Hildegund), as first element also in masculine names (as in Gunther).
The earliest attestation of the name is on the Rök Stone where it occurs as part of a kenning for wolf:
Gunnr is also mentioned in the Völuspá in a list of valkyries, Gunnr, Hildr, Göndul / ok Geirskögul.
The Darraðarljóð gives Guðr as one of six names of valkyries.
In the Prose Edda Gunnr is singled out along with Róta and Skuld as one of the valkyries who always ride out to choose the slain and decide battles:
I see stars So far away that I'm looking up when I'm down Time man Nothing that you say Can melt me like him His words make me swim Twilight from the screen he sees Into my past