"Gunman" is the debut single by English speed garage duo 187 Lockdown. The song was released twice, first in November 1997 where it reached #16 on the UK Singles Chart, then again the following year, peaking one place lower at #17.
The song contains samples of Ennio Morricone's "Sixty Seconds To What" (from the film For a Few Dollars More), and a vocal sample from Dr Alimantado's "Gimmie Mi Gun".
Gunman Chronicles or Half-Life: Gunman (previously Gunman: TC and simply Gunman) is a first-person shooter space western video game originally created as a mod by the now defunct Rewolf Software. Gunman Chronicles was originally a Quake deathmatch mod named Gunmanship 101, then it was moved to Quake II's engine before becoming a Half-Life mod. The game was popular at the Half-Life Mod Expo in 1999, and Sierra approached Rewolf to make a retail version. After significant work and with some office space, funding, and added staff, it was released as a standalone game. Plans were drawn to release Gunman Chronicles on GameCube, but it was never released.
Gunman Chronicles is a first-person shooter that requires the player to perform combat tasks and puzzle solving to advance through the game, much like its predecessor Half-Life. While gameplay is similar to Half-Life's in terms of health-and-armor systems and artificial intelligence, one major aspect of Gunman Chronicles is the ability to customize each weapon. Each weapon the player obtains has multiple alternate "modes" for various situations; for instance, the starting pistol can be turned into a sniper rifle or a rapid-fire machine-pistol while the MULE, a rocket launcher, can be configured to fire homing rockets, timed explosives, or cluster bombs. Another new aspect of Gunman Chronicles is the ability to drive vehicles, something that was expanded on in Half-Life 2. During the latter half of the game, there is a lengthy vehicle section in which the player is able to drive a tank through a system of canyons. Similar to the vehicle sections of Half-Life 2, the player occasionally comes across obstacles hindering the tank's path which will require the player to stop and figure out a puzzle or activate a switch.
Boom may refer to:
Boom! is an American reality television series that aired on Spike TV in 2005 and was hosted by Kourtney Klein. It featured a group of demolition experts using explosives to destroy objects such as trailers, houses, boats and cars. Often, the suggestions on what should be blown up were sent in by home viewers via a "BOOM! Mailbag". Each episode covered obtaining the materials (such as the item to be destroyed), cleaning, gutting, and rigging the thing with explosives, and then making the final countdown and pushing the detonator, and watching the devastation.
Boom! is a children's science fiction novel by Mark Haddon published in 2009. It is the revised version of Mark Haddon's Gridzbi Spudvetch!, which was published in 1992.
Boom! tells the story of two best friends, Charlie and Jimbo (a nickname for James). When Jimbo's sister, Becky, says that the teachers are going to send him to a school for mentally ill children, Jimbo and Charlie sneaked into the staff room, where they hid a walkie-talkie to eavesdrop on the teachers' conversation, in order to confirm what Becky said was true. None of the information they hear means anything (turns out Becky was just trying to scare Jimbo), except for the surprising fact that their teachers both Mr. Kidd and Mrs. Pearce is speaking another language. After a while of dangerous investigating (for instance, sneaking into Mrs. Pearce's attic) they were approached by a man in a suit at a restaurant who told them to leave their teachers alone and then promptly burned a hole through the table they were sitting at with his finger. They disobeyed his order, however, and Charlie was kidnapped and taken to the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, where he had to fake happiness or else face certain death. But, Jimbo did not seem to know this. After a while of Jimbo investigating Charlie's "Spudvetch!" notebook (their secret notebook for gathering information) he discovered that his best bet to find him would be on the Isle Of Skye, in Scotland. He and his sister, who he had managed to convince to come with him, eventually arrived there, although with much difficulty, and inside an abandoned shack, a mysterious portal opened. Jimbo got sucked into Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, but his sister stayed on Earth, unaware. He found Charlie and, with much difficulty, escaped.