Guba Lafto

Guba Lafto is one of the woredas in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Semien Wollo Zone, Guba Lafto is bordered on the south by the Debub Wollo Zone, on the west by Delanta and Wadla, on the northwest by Meket, on the north by Gidan, on the northeast by the Logiya River which separates it from Kobo, and on the southeast by Habru. Weldiya is an enclave inside this woreda. Towns in this woreda include Hara.


Guba Lafto, as well as the other seven rural woredas of this Zone, has been grouped amongst the 48 woredas identified as the most drought prone and food insecure in the Amhara Region. To combat increasing droughts and improve crop yields, two irrigation projects have been undertaken in this woreda by the Commission for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Rehabilitation in the Amhara Region and the NGO Lutheran World Federation, affecting 560 hectares and benefiting 2,489 households.

Guba Lafto has a mountainous landscape, with its ranging from 1300 to 3900 meters above sea level. Soil erosion is marked by ever-expanding gullies. Increasing population has led to shrinking farm and grazing areas. Declining soil fertility, increased incidence of crop pests and weeds, along with cultural attitudes have made Guba Lafto as one of the food insecure woredas of the Amhara Region. To help combat this, the AMAREW project helped inhabitants of kebeles located in the Lenche Dima watershed to create micro-enterprises to manufacture gabion wire boxes. Produced at a third of the cost they can be purchased at Debre Tabor, these gabions are used to fight gully formation.



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