Guardia de Asalto
The Guardia de Asalto (English: Assault Guard) was the heavy reserve force of the blue-uniformed urban police force of Spain during the Spanish Second Republic. The Assault Guards were special police units created by the Spanish Republic in 1931 to deal with urban violence.
At the onset of the Spanish Civil War there were 18,000 Assault Guards. About 12,000 stayed loyal to the Republican government, while another 5,000 joined the rebel faction. Many of its units fought valiantly in the battlefronts against the Francoist armies and their allies. This display of loyalty towards the Spanish Republic brought about the disbandment of the corps at the end of the Civil War. The members of the Guardia de Asalto who had survived the combats and the ensuing Francoist purges were made part of the Policía Armada, the corps that replaced it.
Following the overthrow of the Spanish Monarchy in April 1931, the new Republican regime created the Guardia de Asalto as a gendarmerie style national armed police that could be used to suppress disorder in urban areas. Armed and trained for this purpose, it was intended to provide a more effective force for internal security duties than the ordinary police or the conscript based army. Since its creation in 1844 the 25,000 strong Guardia Civil had been available to be ordered into the larger cities in the event of unrest but this efficient rural force —its officers hailing from army ranks and with an oppressive image— was not seen as being necessarily in sympathy with the new Republic or particularly suited for urban operations.