Rumba (Rumba Cubana)
Stylistic origins African music and drumming, Spanish music
Cultural origins Late 1800s in Cuba
Typical instruments conga, claves, Shaker (percussion)
Mainstream popularity Some popularity in Cuba, growing popularity in Latino communities in the United States
Yambu - Columbia - Guaguanco
Regional scenes
Matanzas, Havana

In Cuban music, rumba is a generic term covering a variety of musical rhythms and associated dances. The rumba has its influences in the music brought to Cuba by Africans brought to Cuba as slaves as well as Spanish colonizers. Rhythmically, rumba is based on the five-stroke pattern called clave and the inherent structure it conveys.[1]

Rumba developed in the Cuban provinces of Havana and Matanzas in the late 19th century. As an energetic Afro-Cuban dance, rumba was often suppressed and restricted because it was viewed as dangerous and lewd. Afro-Cuban rumba is different from ballroom rumba and the African style of pop music called rumba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba, and is still danced in Havana, Mantanzas and other Cuban cities as well as rural areas, especially those with a significant or predominant African community, although now it is infused with influences from jazz and hip hop.


History [link]

Pre-revolution [link]

Although there were slaves that arrived in Cuba in the 16th century with early Spanish settlers, there was not the established Afro-Cuban culture that exists today. The evolution of Afro-Cuban culture began around the late 18th and early 19th century due to the increase in the number of slaves brought to Cuba from places in West Africa such as the Congo or Nigeria. Due to the reliance on sugar as an export, many of the slaves worked on sugar plantations, which gave Cuba access to African culture.

This consistent interaction began the emergence of what today is known as Afro-Cuban culture. This is a process known as transculturation, an idea that Cuban scholar Fernando Ortiz brought to the forefront in cultural studies like Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar. His idea of transculturation incorporated both the Spanish cultures along with the African cultures, thus merging into a creation of Afro-Cuban culture. Instead of one of the cultures totally assimilating into the other, they alternatively are integrated while respecting and acknowledging the differences of each culture. Indeed, Ortiz focuses on this new group of transcultural people as "... consecrating the need for mutual understanding on an objective grounding of truth to move toward achieving the definitive integrity of the nation..."[2]

Rumba can be seen as one of the primary outlets in the development in Afro-Cuban culture. This is because it served as an expression to those who were oppressed, thus beginning a social and racial identity with rumba. The synthesis of cultures can be seen in rumba because it "... exhibits both continuity with older traditions and development of new ones. The rumba itself is a combination of music, dance, and poetry."[3] During slavery, and after it was abolished in 1886, rumba served as a social outlet for oppressed slaves and the underclass which was typically danced in the streets or backyards in urban areas. Rumba is believed to have grown out of the social circumstances of Havana because it "... was the center for large numbers of enslaved Africans by the end of the eighteenth century... Rebellion was difficult and dangerous, but protest in a disguised form was often expressed in recreational music and dance."[4]

Even after slavery was abolished in Cuba around 1886, there still remained social and racial inequality, which Afro-Cubans dealt with by using rumba’s music and dancing as an outlet of frustration. Because primarily Afro-Cubans had fewer economic opportunities and the majority lived in poverty, the style of dance and music did not gain national popularity and recognition until after the effects of the 1959 Cuban Revolution institutionalized it.

Post-revolution [link]

After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, there were many efforts by the government to institutionalize rumba, which has resulted in two different types of performances. The first was the more traditional rumba performed in a backyard with a group of friends and family without any type of governmental involvement. The second was a style dedicated to tourists while performed in a theater setting.

Two institutions that promoted rumba as part of Cuban culture – thus creating the tourist performance – are the Ministry of Culture and the Folklorico Nacional Company. As Folklorico Nacional became more prevalent in the promotion of rumba, the dance "... shifted from its original locus, street corners, where it often shared attention with parallel activities of traffic, business, and socializing, to its secondary quarters, the professional stage, to another home, the theatrical patio."[5] Although Folklorico Nacional aided in the tourist promotion of rumba, the Ministry of Culture helped successfully and safely organize rumba in the streets.

In the early post-revolutionary times, spontaneous rumba might have been considered problematic due to its attraction of large groups at unpredictable and spontaneous times, which caused traffic congestion in certain areas and was linked with fights and drinking. The post-revolutionary government aimed to control this "... by organizing where rumba could take place agreeable and successfully, the government, through the Ministry of Culture, moved to structurally safeguard one of its major dance/music complexes and incorporate it and Cuban artists nearer the core of official Cuban culture."[6] This change in administering rumba not only helped organize the dances but also helped it move away from the negative connotation of being a disruptive past time event.

Although this organization helped the style of rumba develop as an aspect of national culture, it also had some negative effects. For example, one of the main differences between pre- and post-revolutionary is that after the revolution rumba became more structured and less spontaneous. For instance, musicians dancers and singers gathered together to become inspired through rumba. In other words, rumba was a form of the moment where spontaneity was essentially the sole objective. However, post-revolutionary Cuba "... led to manipulation of rumba form. It condensed the time of a rumba event to fit theater time and audience concentration tie. It also crystallized specific visual images through... [a] framed and packaged... dance form on stages and special performance patios."[7]

Rumba does not have some specific stylized dance that can be pinpointed; rather, "[i]t is more of an atmosphere than a genre. It goes without saying that in Cuba there is not one rumba, but many rumbas."[8] Despite the structure enforced in rumba through the Folklorico Nacional and the Ministry of Culture, there will always exist traditional forms of rumba danced at informal social gatherings which hold the true spontaneity of rumba and Cuban culture.

Styles [link]

A Cuban rumba song often begins with the soloist singing meaningless syllables, which is called diana(s). Although the origin of diana is unknown some scholars have traced its roots back to African tribes such as the Bantu or the Lucumi people who originated the rhythms that would later be transformed in Cuba into the rumba. According to Larry Crook, he diana is important because it “... also contains the first choral refrain. The lead singer provides a phrase or motive for the choral sections, or they may present new present new but related material. Parallel harmonies are usually built above or below a melodic lie, with thirds, sixths, and octaves most common.” [10] Therefore, the singer who is presented with singing the diana initiates the beginning of the rumba experience. He then may proceed to improvise lyrics stating the reason for holding the present rumba ('decimar'; span.: to make ten-line stanzas), or instead tunes into a more or less fixed song such as "Ave Maria Morena" (Yambú, Anónimo), "Llora Como Lloré" (Guaguancó, S. Ramirez), "Cuba Linda, Cuba Hermosa" (Guaguancó, R.Deza), "China de Oro (Laye Laye)" (Columbia), or "Malanga (Murió)" (Columbia)".

Cuban rumba can be broken down into three types: Yambú (the oldest and slowest style), Columbia, and Guaguancó (the most popular style, which can be heard in songs such as "Quimbara" by Celia Cruz)". In all three, there is a gradual heightening of tension and dynamics, not simply between dancers but also between dancers and musicians and dancers and spectator/participants.” [11] Regardless of which type of rumba is being performed, the dancers have connections not only with themselves but also with the musicians and singers.[12]

Carlos Vidal Bolado (better known simply as Carlos Vidal) was the first to record authentic folkloric rumba.[13][14]

Yambú [link]

Yambú is the oldest and slowest known style of rumba, sometimes called the Old People's rumba. It uses the slowest beat of the three rumba styles and incorporates movements feigning frailty. It can be danced alone (especially by women) or by men and women together. Although male dancers may flirt with female dancers during the dance, they do not use the vacunao of rumba guaguancó.

Guaguancó [link]

File:Guaguanco Afro-Cubano-B.jpg
Guaguancó afrocubano by Alberto Zayas. Panart phonorecord 2055 (1955, 1956).

Rumba guaguancó is faster than yambú, with more complex rhythms, and involves overtly flirtatious movements between a man and a woman in the roles of "Rooster" and "Hen".The woman both entices and "protects herself" from the man, who tries to catch the woman off-guard with a vacunao—tagging her with the flip of a handkerchief or by throwing his arm, leg or pelvis in her direction in an act of symbolic sexual contact. To defend herself, she may cover with her hand, or use her skirt to protect her pelvis and whip the sexual energy away from her body. Guaguancó most likely inherited the idea of the 'vacunao' from yuca or macuta dances, which were both brought to Cuba by Bantú ethnic groups.

Rumba guaguancó music consists of two main sections. The first, the canto, features the lead vocalist, who performs an extended text that is sometimes partially improvised. Underneath the vocal three interlocking rhythmic parts are played: one or two drummers playing on differently tuned conga drums perform an ostinato (recurring pattern), while another musician taps a pattern on the side of one drum with two hard sticks, called palitos. Another, usually the lead singer, plays a standardized clave part.[15] This section usually lasts a few minutes, until the lead vocalist signals for the other singers to repeat a short refrain, in call and response. This signals the beginning of the second section, the montuno which features the dancers, as they engage in their "rooster and hen" antics, and also the band, with extended instrumental solos. Cuban music group Vocal Sampling has performed an all-vocal version of rumba guaguanco on the song "Conga Yambumba".

Columbia [link]

Rumba columbia performance: Washington DC, 2008

Rumba columbia (not "Colombia") is a fast and energetic rumba, with a 6/8 feel, which is often accompanied by a 6/8 beat struck on a hoe or a bell. It is assumed that the Columbia originated in hamlets in the interior of Cuba rather than the suburbs of the larger cities from where other types of Cuban rumba stem.

Solo, traditionally male, dancers provoke the drummers, especially the player of the smallest drum (Quinto, here also soloist drum), to play complex rhythms that they imitate through their creative and sometimes acrobatic movements. Men may also compete with other men to display their agility, strength, confidence and even sense of humor. All of these aforementioned aspects of rumba columbia are derived from a colonial Cuban martial art/dance called El Juego de Maní which is similar in origin and execution to Brazilian Capoeira. Columbia incorporates many movements derived from Congo dances as well as Spanish flamenco, and more recently dancers have incorporated breakdancing and hip hop moves. Women are also beginning to dance Columbia.

According to Cuban percussionist, singer, composer and historian Gregorio 'el Goyo' Hernandez, who became widely recognized as a specialist in Cuban rumba after his album La Rumba Es Cubana: Su Historia,[16] Cuban rumba columbia originated from the drum patterns and chants of religious Cuban Abakuá traditions. The cáscara or palito rhythm of Columbia, beaten either with two sticks on a piece of bamboo or on the rim of the congas, is the same as that in Abaku] chants, played with two small plaited rattles (erikundi) filled with beans or similar objects. Also, the drum patterns of the lowest conga drum is essentially the same in both columbia and Abakuá.

See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ Peñalosa, David (2009: 185-187). The Clave Matrix; Afro-Cuban Rhythm: Its Principles and African Origins. Redway, CA: Bembe Inc. ISBN 1-886502-80-3.
  2. ^ Ortiz, Fernando. “For a Cuban Integration of Whites and Blacks.” AfroCuba. Ed. Pedro Perez Sarduy & Jean Stubbs. New York: Ocean Press 1993.31
  3. ^ Crook, Larry. "A Musical Analysis of the Cuban Rumba." Latin American Music Review. 3.1 (1982): 92.
  4. ^ Daniel, Yvonne. Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. 19
  5. ^ Daniel, Yvonne. Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.59
  6. ^ Daniel, Yvonne. Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.61
  7. ^ Daniel, Yvonne. Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.65
  8. ^ Carpentier, Alejo, and Alan West-Durán. "Music in Cuba." Transition. 2000.82 (2000). 207
  9. ^ Blatter, Alfred (2007). Revisiting music theory: a guide to the practice, p.28. ISBN 0-415-97440-2.
  10. ^ Crook, Larry. "A Musical Analysis of the Cuban Rumba." Latin American Music Review. 3.1 (1982): 95.
  11. ^ Daniel, Yvonne. Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.70
  12. ^ Daniel, Yvonne 1995. Rumba: dance and social change in contemporary Cuba. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.
  13. ^ Ritmo Afro-Cubano SMC 2519-A and 2520-B, circa 1948
  14. ^ Earliest Known Audio Documentation of Folkloric Rumba
  15. ^ Manuel, Peter. Caribbean currents. Chapter 2: "Cuba". Philadelphia: Temple U. Press. 1995.
  16. ^ 2004, Unicornio No. 6004

External links [link]

