A guandao is a type of Chinese pole weapon that is used in some forms of Chinese martial arts. In Chinese, it is properly called a yanyuedao (偃月刀; lit. "reclining moon blade"), the name under which it always appears in texts from the Song to Qing dynasties such as the Wujing Zongyao and Huangchao Liqi Tushi. It is comparable to a European fauchard or glaive and consists of a heavy blade with a spike at the back and sometimes also a notch at the spike's upper base that can catch an opponent's weapon. In addition there are often irregular serrations that lead the back edge of the blade to the spike. The blade is mounted atop a 1.5 m to 1.8 m (5–6 foot) long wooden or metal pole with a pointed metal counter weight used to balance the heavy blade and for striking on the opposite end.
On modern versions, a red sash or tassel is attached at the joint of the pole and blade. Variations include having rings along the length of the straight back edge as found in the nine-ring guandao, having the tip curl into a rounded spiral as in the elephant guandao, or featuring a more ornate design as exemplified by the dragon head guandao. However, apart from the "elephant guandao" none of these variations seem to have historical ground.
Dao or Dão may refer to:
A circuit (Chinese: 道; pinyin: Dào; Japanese: dō) was a historical political division of China, and is a term for an administrative unit still used in Japan. In Korea, the same word 道 (도; do) is translated as "province".
Circuits originated in China during the Han dynasty, and were used as a lower tier administrative division, comparable to the county (縣, also translated as "districts"), but only to be used in areas in the fringes of the Empire, that were either primarily inhabited by non-Han Chinese peoples, or too geographically isolated from the rest of the Han centers of power. The system fell into disuse after the collapse of the Western Jin dynasty.
The administrative division was revived in 627 when Tang Emperor Taizong made it the highest level administrative division, and subdivided China into ten circuits. These were originally meant to be purely geographic and not administrative. Emperor Xuanzong added a further five and slowly, the circuits strengthened their own power, until they became powerful regional forces that tore the country apart during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. During the Later Jin and Song dynasties, circuits were renamed from dao to lu (路), both of which literally mean "road" or "path". Dao were revived during the Yuan dynasty.
The Blade is a 1995 Hong Kong martial arts film co-written, produced and directed by Tsui Hark, starring Vincent Zhao, Moses Chan, Hung Yan-yan, Song Lei, Austin Wai, Chung Bik-ha and Valerie Chow. This film is notable for its unusual style, which includes dramatic close-ups, employment of colour gels, frenetic camera use during the fight sequences, and overall dark tone.
Ding-on is an orphaned blacksmith working in Sharp Foundry, which is run by his master, a friend of his deceased father. The master's daughter, Ling, who narrates the movie, is romantically attracted to both Ding-on and his colleague, Iron Head. One day, Ding-on and Iron Head see a monk fending off a group of thugs, who later ambush and kill him in revenge. Iron Head is so furious that he identifies himself as someone from Sharp Foundry and taunts the thugs to fight him. The master is angry when he hears of Iron Head's reckless behaviour so he punishes him. Iron Head holds a grudge against Ding-on for telling their master about the incident. He becomes even more unhappy when their master announces his decision to make Ding-on his successor.
RIT: questo non e' un dissing , e' un metodo per capirsi
se non trovi i motivi giusti , per cui tu non spingi , non spingi... (x2)
sul beat roc b , con la struggle nel sangue compa'...
...questa va ad ogni uomo che sa , la differenza che fa ,
la positivita' qua e' un emozione che sboccia , un fiore che abbellisce una roccia.
la da da deh , la da da da deh , lascia cio' che credi ma portami cio' che sei , ehy!
quando tu scrivi di troie e di strisce bianche , io tiro i miei fratelli su , su dalle panche
la strada e' cane contro cane per un posto qui , ma lascio fuori dal conflitto chi c'ha il pedegree
perche' non sempre chi sa fare c'ha un posto in elite , e vuole sia cosi' nei secoli dei secoli
poggio ilo mio nome sopra un altro beat , 21 e' la click su questa perla di roc b , spacco schiene
l'hip hop e' il mio gene solo per far star bene!
RIT: questo non e' un dissing , e' un metodo per capirsi
se non trovi i motivi giusti , per cui tu non spingi , non spingi... (x2)
sul beat roc b , con la struggle nel sangue compa'...
GIUANN (dal "circo delle pulci" - Bastardz )
...ma se vuoi scender con Giuann porta una sola personalita' , no double face , non cercare il mis-mass
porta soltanto la tua vera faccia come pass.
ehy ehy ehy ! voci contrastanti sento , ripeto ehy ehy ! attacco ma al contrario smento
dimmi qual e' questa sottile ironia , e' che e' talmente sottile che il vento gia' se l'e' portata via
ma che magia , per me e' mania , di chi mi spia , lo sgamo "bim bum" dalla scia
tu l'antiproiettile antimazzate , ma a me chi me lo porta un bel giubbotto anticazzate??!!
il palco non e' per tutti , ci vuole orgoglio , non e' la rai anche se tu mi sembri Malgioglio
due piu' mille , io viaggio un po' piu' su , il mio dj non ha bisogno di montar gli scrtach con pro-tools.
ascolta bene il nome mio , questo e' cio' che so , non limitarti solo a scopiazzare questo flow
tu sei loffio bimbino , tu vedi e non credi , comincia a camminare , senza strisciare i piedi
ma proprio se non puoi fare a meno di sparlazzare di me come un tarzanello al culo a pendere
ammesso tu abbia fatto i compiti per scuola , vieni da papa' che ti presento una fgliuola!
RIT: questo non e' un dissing , e' un metodo per capirsi