A groyne (groin in the United States) is a rigid hydraulic structure built from an ocean shore (in coastal engineering) or from a bank (in rivers) that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sediment. It is usually made out of wood or concrete. In the ocean, groynes create beaches or prevent them being washed away by longshore drift. In a river, groynes prevent erosion and ice-jamming, which in turn aids navigation. Ocean groynes run generally perpendicular to the shore, extending from the upper foreshore or beach into the water. All of a groyne may be under water, in which case it is a submerged groyne. The areas between groups of groynes are groyne fields. Groynes are generally made of wood, concrete or rock piles, and placed in groups. They are often used in tandem with seawalls. Groynes, however, may cause a shoreline to be perceived as unnatural.
A groyne's length and elevation, and the spacing between groynes is determined according to local wave energy and beach slope. Groynes that are too long or too high tend to accelerate downdrift erosion, and are ineffective because they trap too much sediment. Groynes that are too short, too low, or too permeable are ineffective because they trap too little sediment. If a groyne does not extend far enough landward, water (for example at a high tide combined with a storm surge) may flow past the landward end and erode a channel bypassing the groyne, a process known as flanking.
Lost and alone
I'm out of the stone
Could be this process everyday
Nothings my own
The dreams that I've grown
I won't control and throw away
I need to make the decisions
I need to make it right
I need to lead the parade
Or this shit will fucking take my life
I want to kill the decisions
I want to make it right
I want to pass this test
And complete my tormented life
This curse is my own
It follows me home
Its like a child that wants to play
The thoughts in my brain
The subconscious pain
Makes me think why do I stay
I need to make the decision
I need make it right
I need to lead the parade
Or this shit will take my life
I want to kill the decisions
I want to make it right
I want to pass this test
And complete my tormented life
I want to kill the decisions
I want it to be right
I want to pass my test
And complete this tormented life
Happy, everything was wonderful
So happy, it's beautiful
I need to make the decision
I need to make it right
I want to kill the decisions
I want to make it right
I want to pass this test
And complete my tormented life
I want to kill the decisions
I want to make it right
I want to pass this test
And complete my tormented life
I'm happy, I knew you'd make it right