In connective tissue, the ground substance, is an amorphous gel-like substance surrounding the cells. In a tissue, cells are surrounded and supported by an extracellular matrix. Ground substance traditionally does not include fibers (collagen and elastic fibers), but does include all the other components of the extracellular matrix.
The components of the ground substance vary depending on the tissue. Ground substance is primarily composed of water, glycosaminoglycans (most notably hyaluronan), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Usually it is not visible on slides, because it is lost during the preparation process.
... puts very stringent measures in place to track the minutest articles because “we have a lot of things and equipment on ground to make sure illicit substances don’t get through our system.
“The grounds for the present appeal allege unconstitutionality; however, in substance, they merely assert a violation of statutory law and do not fall under the grounds for a special appeal.”.
On Feb ... However, the council has indicated that the rule withdrawing its authority will go into effect regardless of the substance of these comments on April 11. This puts the rule on pretty shaky legal ground, according to Skinner-Thompson.
In truth, hearing a staunch conservative praise a mind-altering substance was so unexpected that I had to double-check that I wasn’t hallucinating (I wasn’t) ... true healing comes from a higher power, not from substances that melt the mind.
The Trader’s View (Bearish Sentiment) ...IncreasingAdoption ... What remains are projects with genuine substance and a focus on building valuable technology. This creates a fertile ground for VC investments in projects with real long-term potential.
His defeat of Joyeuse at Cheltenham in December was eye catching, and the form maybe of more substance than others ...Prospect of better ground, first time cheekpieces and a strong pace to aim at make ...
Black mold-like substance on the soda fountain nozzle.Priority violation ... A package of sliced "Allsup's White Bread" stored on a shelf had a mold-like substance growing inside it ... Raw pork was stored below raw ground beef in the walk-in cooler.
Related... He faces worthy opponents in The NewLion and The YellowClay, both also unbeaten over hurdles, but the former’s win in the Challow at Newbury was possibly more style than substance while The Yellow Clay’s best form is on much softer ground ... .
On Feb ... However, the council has indicated that the rule withdrawing its authority will go into effect regardless of the substance of these comments on April 11. . This puts the rule on pretty shaky legal ground, according to Skinner-Thompson ... .
4 depicts a man walking up to the front gate, placing something on the ground, pouring a substance on it from a handheld cooler, igniting objects on the ground with a lighter and then driving away in ...
By dismissing SenatorNatasha’s petition on technical grounds rather than addressing the substance of her claims, the Senate signals that allegations of sexual misconduct can be brushed aside to protect its own.
The stateSenate voted nearly unanimously Tuesday to pass Senate Bill 91 and ban perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, from firefighting foam used on the ground by firefighters ...The bill is sponsored by state Sen ... The U.S ... ....