Gregoria was the Empress consort of Constantine III of the Byzantine Empire. She was a daughter of Niketas, a first cousin of Heraclius who had led an overland invasion of Roman Egypt in 608 in the revolt which elevated Heraclius to the throne
Niketas fought against the representatives of Phocas in Egypt and seems to have secured control of the province by 610.
On 5 October 610, Heraclius succeeded Phocas as the Emperor. Niketas was rewarded with the social rank of patrician and the military position of Comes Excubitorum, commander of the Excubitors. He seems to have remained in control of Egypt and took part in the defense against the invasion of Khosrau II of the Sassanid Empire. Egypt was lost to Khosrau in 618 but Niketas survived. Niketas was then appointed Exarch of the Exarchate of Africa. His term started in 619 and lasted to his death in 628/629.
Her paternal grandfather was Gregorius, brother to Heraclius the Elder. Heraclius had been appointed Exarch of Africa by Maurice and lived to support the revolt of his son. But not to its conclusion. Gregorius seems to have served under the command of his brother but the extent of his role is unknown.
Gregoria fenestrata is the only member species of sea anemones in the genus Gregoria.
Now Bm I, I want F#(7) out of the Bm circus
Since the G girl in the blue sparkly D(7) dress
On one G knee, F# I con-Bm-fessed G
Put an Bm end to that F#(7) exchange of Bm glances G-F#7
Now I, I want out of the circus
That old gang of dwarves
Sometimes, they're downright feral
When they, they've been around that old beer barrel
The old lion's teeth
Seems like a smile to me
With some sweet relief
I just stick my head in
Now my tale, it's too ordinary
For anyone to care at all
Not like the man repeatedly struck by lightning
When he bears his scars, we all know
When he Bm bears his F#(7) scars, he's a Bm star G-F#7