The John Lewis Partnership is an employee-owned UK company which operates John Lewis department stores, Waitrose supermarkets and some other services. The company is owned by a trust on behalf of all its employees — known as Partners – who have a say in the running of the business and receive a share of annual profits, which is usually a significant addition to their salary. The group is the third largest UK private company in the Sunday Times Top Track 100 for 2010. Additionally, John Lewis also has the distinction of being the UK's best high-street website after beating Marks & Spencer in October 2010. The chain's image is upmarket, and it appeals strongly to middle- and upper-class shoppers. Recently, however, John Lewis has broadened its marketing strategy towards all types of buyers, with the introduction of the 'Value' range to John Lewis and the 'Essential' range to Waitrose, and the expansion of the business.
The Partnership also supplies the Ocado web supermarket with Waitrose own-brand foods and John Lewis own-brand non-food items.
(Carly Simon)
I stood in the doorway in my white nightgown
Red roses on cotton, I stood three feet from the ground
the grownups inside used words I didn't know
But still I enjoyed the show
They looked so lovely, they looked so self-assured
And I just like them would know it all when I matured
And I wouldn't be afraid of the darkness or the bears
Or the cracks in the ceiling upstairs
Now I've just gotten older, I've just gotten taller
And the little ones, they call me a grownup
Lat night at a friend's house a little girl was there
She stood in the doorway playing with her hair
She looked up to me as if I could do no wrong
As I got up to sing my song
I sang it with a shiver in my throat and in my knees
Feeling just as small as a thistle in a breeze
But the child's imagination carried me along
And saw me through my song
Now I've just gotten older, I've just gotten taller