Green company
A green company acts, or claims to act, in a way which minimizes damage to the environment.
As global warming continues apace and becomes an increasingly "hot" topic amongst world governments, many companies are doing their part to become environmentally more responsible or "green".
Automotive companies like Honda, which is independently developing two new alternative-fueled vehicle technologies such as the natural gas powered Civic and a hydrogen fuel cell powered model, or General Motors, which is developing a potentially exciting new car called the Chevrolet Volt, are very much aware of the damage that petroleum-burning vehicles can do to the environment as a whole - global warming notwithstanding.
Cell phone
Other companies donate money to green causes, such as GoVios Going Green, which contribute a penny per minute of cell phone usage to environmental organizations. GoVios also stresses recycling used cell phones and their batteries as a way of keeping ground-water contaminating chemicals and heavy metals out of the environment.