The Greatest American was a four-part American television series hosted by Matt Lauer in 2005. The show featured biographies and lists of influential persons in U.S. history, and culminated in a contest in which millions in the audience nominated and voted for the person they felt was the "greatest American". The competition was conducted by AOL and the Discovery Channel and reported on by the BBC.
Right now, that funding is being held up, and as a result, groundbreaking public science – the kind that has long been a hallmark of American innovation – is coming to a standstill.
But within the United States itself, the greatest concerns are associated with administration actions that, for many, suggest a deliberate destruction of American democracy ... American democracy is under threat.
The voters could elect whomever they liked, but it would not much change what the [controlling deep state] bureaucracy did.” According to Davidson, “this scheme has been the greatest scandal of modern ...
“Both history and culture bind Americans to Greece, the birthplace of democracy and the cradle of Western civilization,” Trump declared ... He knew Americans were linked to the cradle of democracy through our history and culture.”.
He also acknowledged the enduring legacy of the Greek-American community, adding, “Perhaps the greatest gift we have inherited from that amazing culture is our incredible Greek-American community that is now more than three million.”.
The TopAmerican viewing spots. Thirteen states will be able to see the eclipse, with New England providing the greatest viewing conditions ...Coastal areas with a clean eastern horizon are the greatest places to see the eclipse.
Yes, he is America’s greatest humorist, but his enduring power springs from his core principles, principles that shaped his comedy and made him one of our greatest Americans... for american humor More.
If an American, German, French, Canadian, or Dutch citizen ... From its profits, China would buy American debt, turning the US into the greatest militarized toxic financial instrument that ever existed.
Atlantic Avenue will now go the City Council for a final vote ... A home is more than just four walls and a roof — it’s the foundation needed to achieve the AmericanDream and thrive in the greatest city on the globe ... ....
According to data kept by the Center for AmericanWomen and Politics at Rutgers University, the number of female state lawmakers saw the greatest rise in 2018 since the 1990s, largely driven by the success of Democratic women in that year’s midterms.
But perhaps the greatest gift we have inherited from that amazing culture is our incredible GreekAmerican community that is now more than 3 million strong," he added.