It is one of seven districts that represent Yellowknife and the current Member of the Legislative Assembly is Glen Abernethy. The district has existed twice, the first incarnation existed from 1975 and was abolished in 1979 when it was split between Great Slave East and Rae-Lac La Martre. The second incarnation was created in 1999 from the old Yellowknife North riding.
Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs)
Election results
2011 election
2007 election
2003 election
1999 election
1975 election
^a:In the 2007 election, percentages assigned to candidates were based on the total votes cast. In prior elections the percentages were based on the valid votes.
(He was later governor of the Bahamas, where he again became a slave owner.) In 1776Abigail Adams wrote that although she was “willing to allow [Virginia] great merit for having produced a ...
Editor’s Note... For three long years, we, Ukrainians, have been defending our land ... This is voluntary slavery offered to Ukraine by the great powers. Ukrainians do not want to be slaves, they do not want to be refugees or emigrants ... Pray for Ukraine ... ....
“Many individuals in America interpreted the case as an indictment of slavery and evidence from runaway advertisements indicates that slaves themselves understood the case as having abolished slavery in Great Britain,” he wrote.
... great objects, the suppression of the SlaveTrade and the Reformation of Manners, by which he meant the reform of the morals of Britain.” This included targeting vice, lewdness, slander, and the like.
Concern has long been expressed that Chinese-manufactured solar panels likely to be bought by GreatBritish Energy are made using Uyghur slave labour, a charge the Chinese government rejects.
Ed Miliband is expected to block a bid to ban the government from buying solar panels feared to have been made with slave labour. The government is poised to vote against a Lords amendment to the Great...
We were, and arguably still are, a slave society ... The great evil about slavery wasn’t the involuntary ... New Rochelle High School stood as a symbol for greatness well beyond the borders of the city.
It was here that he wrote his final great novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.” This handsome memento is signed “Richard Blair, Patron of The Orwell Society” ... Orwell’s family had been well‑off, thanks to the slave trade.
It’s a spectacular true story ...The people of Israel came out of Egypt after 430 years of slavery. Their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, and so on and so on for centuries had all been slaves ... ....
Starting at the NavanCentre, one of the great royal sites of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland, the scenic trail follows rolling hills, canal towpaths and majestic beaches ... "He's got such a great message," Dr Campbell reflects.
... poetic declaration — “The saying ‘I am the slave of the person who has taught me a single word’ depicts the great reality” — was spotted eight times.And then there’s the divine intervention.
government describes as being characterised by great power competition' ... to provide reparations for its historical role in the slave trade were rekindled also in October last year, though Sir Keir ...