Graz'zt is a demon lord in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, and one of the most powerful demons in the Abyss. Graz'zt, one of the earliest and most famous demons created for Dungeons and Dragons, was named as one of the greatest villains in D&D history by the final print issue of Dragon.
Graz'zt was created by Gary Gygax and first appears in module The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (1982), and then appears in the first edition Monster Manual II (1983), under the demon entry.
After leaving TSR, Gygax featured Graz'zt in the Gord the Rogue series. The character has since been expanded upon by other designers. In this series, Graz'zt is known as the Ebon Lord of the Abat-Dolor, a race of demons who all look more or less like him. He ruled over the abat-dolor with his queen and consort, Elazalag, until he was captured by the witch queen Iggwilv. After seducing her, the Ebon Lord founded a new mongrel empire, forsaking his kin in an effort to enslave any and all of the demon breeds.
Al fin y al cabo se que a trav's del tiempo
voy, y ahora que vuelvo bien, sinceramente,
te dir': solo gracias doy! Parece como si
cuando se lo pedö escuchara mi af n, doy
las gracias, podr' continuar. Aunque
parezca poco aprendo a valorar lo que le
falta a otros para sentirse en paz y solo gracias
dar. Un fruto bueno dio el rbol que creci÷
en el viejo jardön de lo anhelos. Pienso que
me ha tocado la fortuna con sus manos,