Gravity gun

A gravity gun is a type of device in video games, particularly first-person shooters using an advanced physics engine, whereby players can directly manipulate objects in the world, often allowing them to be used as projectiles against hostile characters. The concept was first popularized by the gravity gun found in Valve's Half-Life 2, as well as the Temporal Uplink found in Free Radical Design's TimeSplitters: Future Perfect; although a similar concept was used by id Software during the production of the earlier game Doom 3, eventually leading to the introduction of a physics-based weapon in the expansion pack Resurrection of Evil. Later games, such as Portal, BioShock, Crysis, and Dead Space, have been influenced by the success of these physics-based weapons, adopting their own styles of comparable abilities or weapons.


Half-Life 2 Gravity Gun

Gravity gun (disambiguation)

Gravity gun can refer to various fictional devices:

  • Gravity gun, a gameplay concept in video games that allows players to manipulate the game's physics.
  • Gravitational Beam Emitter, a fictional gun used by Killy in the manga series Blame! and NOiSE
  • Occasionally used to mean a tractor beam
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