Grasses are monocotyledonous, usually herbaceousflowering plants in the family Poaceae (also called Gramineae). They have stems that are hollow except at the nodes and narrow alternate leaves borne in two ranks. The lower part of each leaf encloses the stem, forming a leaf-sheath. Grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland.
Grasses include some of the most versatile plant life-forms. They became widespread toward the end of the Cretaceous period, and fossilized dinosaur dung (coprolites) have been found containing phytoliths of a variety that include grasses that are related to modern rice and bamboo. Grasses have adapted to conditions in lush rain forests, dry deserts, cold mountains and even intertidal habitats, and are now the most widespread plant type; grass is a valuable source of food and energy for all sorts of wildlife and organics.
Grass as Glass... Glass as Grass I see the Fields of the Sky of other World... Like in the Mirror... Behind the Glass... Look in Mirror... Look in Glass... Running Horror Along high Grass Look in Mirror... Along high Grass...
Spring is near, bands are playing, flags are waving and everyone is wearing green. The day is March 17th and people all over the world are celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. The origin of this Irish green holiday goes back about ....
Croydon Council has started a new season of grass cutting that will see 1.1 million square metres of highway verges, 850,000 square metres of housing land and 190 areas of parks and open spaces, cut regularly until October.
The 75-year-old broadcaster, who originally hails from Ilkley, urged gardening fans to wait a while before trimming their grass and says that people often make the mistake of dusting off their lawnmowers too early.
Warm and sunny ... And Turkey country these days I discovered ... What I did learn is that while the news focuses on the top people nationally, it’s very different when you start getting dirt in your fingernails scratching around the grass roots ... Naturally ... 0.
The NASCAR race weekend at Homestead-Miami Speedway is continuing on as scheduled despite grass fires that have burned more than 24,000 acres in the area, the city of Homestead, Florida released in a statement on Thursday.
). BISMARCK, ND-The BismarckFire Department extinguished a grass fire on the NE side of Bismarck on Wednesday evening. At approximately 5.51 PM on March 19th, 2025, the Bismarck Fire Department received a call for a grass fire south of E Century Ave.