Graphite is a programmable Unicode-compliant smart-font technology and rendering system developed by SIL International. It is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License and the Common Public License.
Graphite is based on the TrueType font format, and adds three of its own tables. It allows for a variety of rendering rules, including ligatures, glyph substitution, glyph insertion, glyph rearrangement, anchoring diacritics, kerning, and justification. Graphite rules may be sensitive to the context. For instance, there might be a glyph substitution rule that replaces every non-final s by an ſ.
In a Graphite font, all smart rendering information resides within the font file. In order to display the Graphite smart rendering, an application needs only Graphite support, but no built-in knowledge about the writing system’s rendering. This makes Graphite especially suited for minority writing systems that cannot rely on applications to provide built-in rendering information. In this regard, Graphite is similar to AAT and different from OpenType which requires applications to provide built-in rendering information.
SIL, Sil and sil may refer to:
The Sil is a river in León (Castile and León) and Galicia, Spain, a tributary of the Miño. Its total length is 225 kilometres (140 mi). The source of the Sil is in the Cantabrian Mountains in the Leonese town of Villablino. It flows through the provinces of León and Ourense. The largest city on the Sil is Ponferrada (León). The Sil flows into the Miño upstream from Ourense.
The river joins the Miño river in Os Peares, in the province of Ourense.
Generally, the hierarchy between rivers is performed by taking into account which junction has more volume and length. In this case, as with the Esla and Pisuerga with the Duero, the Sil has flows larger than the Miño at the junction. There is a saying that goes, "The Miño has the fame, but the Sil gives it water" (in Spanish, El Miño lleva la fama y el Sil le da el agua). The Sil river also surpasses the Miño in length by about 20 kilometres (12 mi).
The Sil runs through the León districts of Bahia, Laciana, El Bierzo and La Cabrera, and Ourense Valdeorras, among other locations across Villablino, Ponferrada, O Barco de Valdeorras, A Rúa, Quiroga and Ribas de Sil.
Sil is a fictional alien from the television series Doctor Who, first appearing in the 1985 serial Vengeance on Varos. Sil was portrayed by Nabil Shaban.
Sil was the representative of the Galatron Mining Corporation present on the planet Varos to extract concessions from the current Governor. Unbeknownst to the Varosians, the mineral Zeiton-7 which was abundant on their planet was not as they thought nearly valueless, but in fact rare, particularly to time travellers. The Varosians lived barely above the poverty line due to the exploitation of companies like the Galatron Mining Corporation and others.
Sil was a particularly vile creature by any standard, more so since a fault in his translation device made his voice sibilant, with a ululating laugh. Devoid of morality and dedicated to getting the cheapest price he could for Zeiton ore by any means, he also enjoyed the various tortures which passed for entertainment on Varos, taking particular delight in making the Sixth Doctor's companion Peri suffer a transformation into an avian creature. The Doctor interfered with Sil's plan and informed the Varosians of the true value of their natural resources, forcing Sil to concede to offer the true value of the Zeiton-7.
Graphite /ˈɡræfaɪt/, archaically referred to as Plumbago, is a crystalline form of carbon, a semimetal, a native element mineral, and one of the allotropes of carbon. Graphite is the most stable form of carbon under standard conditions. Therefore, it is used in thermochemistry as the standard state for defining the heat of formation of carbon compounds. Graphite may be considered the highest grade of coal, just above anthracite and alternatively called meta-anthracite, although it is not normally used as fuel because it is difficult to ignite.
There are three principal types of natural graphite, each occurring in different types of ore deposit:
Graphite is one of the allotropes of carbon.
Graphite may also refer to:
Graphite is the sixth studio album by Polish gothic rock band Closterkeller. It was released on April 26, 1999 in Poland through Metal Mind Productions. The album was recorded at Q-Sound studio in March 1999. The cover art was created by Tomasz "Graal" Daniłowicz and fotos by Edward Wosk and Marcin Wegner. English version of album was released on March 12, 2003 in United States through Pitchfork Promotions.
Graphite is considered to be one of the most important albums in the history of Polish rock.
Music - Closterkeller.