A granitoid or granitic rock is a variety of coarse grained plutonic rock similar to granite which mineralogically are composed predominately of feldspar and quartz.[1] Examples of granitoid rocks include granite, quartz monzonite, quartz diorite, syenite, granodiorite and trondhjemite. Many are created by continental volcanic arc subduction or the collision of sialic masses. Volcanic rocks are common with granitoids and typically have the same origins. However, they are normally worn away after years of erosion.

While many granitoid rocks are located in areas that have experienced crustal thickening during orogenies, others known as anorogenic granitoids are unrelated to convergent boundaries or subduction zones.[1] These anorogenic granitoids may represent the deep sources for rift volcanism exposed where erosion has removed the volcanic rocks and other evidence of rifting. These A-type granitoids may have been produced by hot spots or mantle plumes.[1]

References [link]

  1. ^ a b c Blatt, Harvey and Robert J. Tracy, Petrology, Freeman, 2nd Ed., 1996 ISBN 0-7167-2438-3




You Drove Your Car Into A Moving Train

by: Grandaddy

On the telephone all morning
it's been a while since I talked to you
your voice's transferred sweet
I wish forever I could talk to you
of course I blame that guy Tom
I'm sure he talked you into doing it
although I'm sorry he's dead
when you go to him I kill him again...
and again...and again...
keep trying that tapes and records
I thought you loved them over anything
this conversation's hard for me and stupid
but we had to do it
you drove your car into a moving train
you held each other headed for the end
and they say it went blank
now here you are with just a few days left
keep trying that tapes and records
I thought you loved them over anything
this conversation's hard for me and stupid
but we had to do it
