Grande Porto

Grande Porto or Greater Porto is a Portuguese NUTS3 subregion, integrating the NUTS2 region of Norte, in Portugal.

It corresponds to 11 municipalities out of 16, the other 5 in Entre Douro e Vouga Subregion that constitute the larger Greater Metropolitan Area of Porto, centered in the city of Porto. With a population of 1,401,805 inhabitants (INE 2011) and an area of 817 km2. Highly industrialized, it is along with the neighbouring subregions the main source of the Portuguese exports and home to one of the busiest Portuguese harbours, located in Leixões. Grande Porto serves as the commercial, educational, cultural and economical centre of northern Portugal.

It covers an area of 817 km2 for a density of 2056 hab/km2


It is formed by 11 municipalities, on both sides of the Douro River.

  • Espinho
  • Gondomar
  • Maia
  • Matosinhos
  • Porto
  • Póvoa de Varzim
  • Trofa (recently joined Grande Porto)
  • Santo Tirso (recently joined)
  • Valongo
  • Vila do Conde
  • Vila Nova de Gaia
  • All of the above municipalities are cities. Only Espinho and Gaia are located south of Douro River.



    Grenade Parody

    by: Key Of Awesome

    We just met, but I know you’re my soul mate
    I’ve got your name tattooed on my chest, neck, and face
    Lets get hitched right away or at least pick a date
    I’ve got next week open. When do you have open?
    I sent you my left ear
    But you tossed it off the pier
    Then said something I couldn’t hear
    Gave you all my string and my fingernail clippings
    I hope I don’t sound deranged, but I’d
    Chop off my head for you
    I just went off my meds for you
    I’d drink a bottle of crazy glue
    And lick a bathroom attendants shoe
    Oh that’s good shoe
    I would peel you a million grapes
    And make a portrait using audiotapes
    Yes I’ll protect you from robots
    And futuristic apes
    Oh Get your damn stinking paws off my girlfriend you dirty ape from the future
    Calm down you crazy clown what is wrong with you
    Stop offering things that you’ll never have to do
    Just take your pills, pay your bills I don’t want you dead Why
    would I want a boyfriend who doesn’t have a head?
    I’d eat a pile of glass
    Pull my heart out through my ass
    You know what you could do for me?
    What baby
    The dishes and the trash
    Lets take that Tango class
    Then watch Lifetime TV
    I’ll shop at Target with you
    Buy you tickets to Dave Matthews
    I’d go to brunch with your book club friends
    I’ll tell you that you’re not fat again
    It nightmare ever ends
    I would rather eat 50 grenades
    Wear a speedo made of razor blades
    Then have to deal with you baby

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