Gronk may refer to:
G-Type is a member of the Imperial Guard in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Grant Morrison and Igor Kordey, first appeared in New X-Men #124. Within the context of the stories, G-Type is an alien with telepathy.
Gamiel the Manipulator is a Celestial in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Eric Powell, appeared in Marvel Monsters: Devil Dinosaur #1 (December, 2005).
Within the context of the stories, Gamiel is a young Celestial tasked with watching over Earth alongside Devron the Experimenter.
Gammenon the Gatherer is a Celestial in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Jack Kirby, first appeared in The Eternals #4 (October 1976).
Within the context of the stories, Gammenon is the Celestial tasked with collecting samples of all life forms present on a planet during a Celestial Host and is present during at least the First and Fourth Hosts to visit Earth. He then turns these over to Jemiah the Analyzer.
Gronk (born 1957 in East Los Angeles, California, USA) is the pseudonym of Chicano painter, printmaker, and performance artist Glugio Nicandro. His work is collected by museums around the country including the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Gronk was born in Los Angeles to Mexican-American parents and was raised mainly by his mother. He remembers that he was always making things and he felt that was what he was best at. He also remembers being influenced by popular culture on television. Another artistic influence on Gronk was his uncle who was always drawing and Gronk wanted to be able to draw like him.
Another influence on Gronk was foreign film which he generally watched in Santa Monica. He was fascinated with the larger world and concepts that many of these films from Russia, France and elsewhere brought to his imagination. At age fourteen, Gronk started writing his own plays.
One of his earliest performance plays was Cockroaches Have No Friends, which led to him meeting Patssi Valdez, Harry Gamboa, Jr, Willie Herron and Sylvia Delgado, with the first three of them becoming members of Asco later on. Gronk also worked with Mundo Meza and Cyclona on various performance pieces, especially those that pertained to gender issues.
Ovo je vek medija, pa se mudar ovek nervira
Jer se ovde preferira samo ono što se servira.
Vi niste ljudi, ve serija kvazi robota
Pravih robova, a mediji kažu da si slobodan?
Baš si pogodan za sve oblike manipulacije
Dok vi trendujete, ja branim duh nacije
Krang pravi zvuk akcije, batice besnim zbog Granda
Pesnikog škarta, farme I velikog brata.
Ovce iz stada - vi ste žrtve iste taktike
Nosite iste patike, bodrite iste laike
Volite iste navike, vodite iste abrove
Imate iste strahove, praznite iste rafove
Pratite iste stavove, hvalite iste škartove
Pravite iste planove, imate iste dukseve
Dame iste bruseve, itaju iste kurseve
Slikaju iste luzere, primaju iste kureve.
Uvee uvuete bulje u iste farmerke...
Zbog iste namere, oI vam bulje u iste frajere.
Žene manje više vode iste prazne prie
Imaju iste ravne šIške I iste glatke pike.
Mediji vas ue šta je dobro a šta zlo,
Mediji vas ue šta je tuga a šta bol.
Mediju vas ue svemu,
Zdrava svest za pravu cenu.
Sve vas vole mediji,
Za vas I vama mediji.
TV ih zatupi pa ih muI vazdušni sindrom
Pa su za jadnike air max patike statusni simbol
Pritom, I vi u frci s kintom pratite modu
Najku pravite lovu jer skupo platite robu.
Shvatite foru. svuda kopije silnih zvezda
Svako bi da oseti miris keša, izgleda ko MTV gengsta.
Ti si smešan, sve što ti piješ su batine
Pa priviaš viski, kurve, kilo platine.
Sinko žalim te, pratite vaše krimi mentore
MTV trendove, Wejnove, Westove, Fifti centove
Kad vam vidim tekstove hvata me melanholija
Setim se pesama koje pisah sa sedam godina.
Svako je bleda kopija, krvopija, scena sarkazma
Ironije u balkanskom repu uopšte nema Balkana.
Jebena farma, zvezde granda, to gleda cela nacija
Retardi se smeju retardima borio bih se al nema naina.
U srednjem veku inkvizitori danas mediji vešaju
Oni ubeuju svet u ono što veliki spremaju.
Nama smeštaju, teraju proces globalizacije
Koji treba da pogazi nacije, odstrani razlike,
Postavi navike, pa se ne pije ništa sem kole I fante
Ne sluša ništa sem lejdi Gage, nose levis I najke,
Fensi marke, niko ne želi da bude otpadnik
Ne umem da budem podanik, deo kulture bogatih.
ujes, odrasti. Shvati, nije ti krek slistio pamet
Sve dok svako misli izgleda I živi k'o amer,
Oni e Ii po pare mi u steaj, brate ispaše
Da mi finansiramo njihove nove ratne igrake.
Budale klicae, na svaku bajku pristae
Kako da u klancu istraješ kad si zadnja karika u lancu ishrane?
I kad su predatori siti nastavie sa borbama
U znak zahvalnosti od srca nagradie nas bombama.