Japanese wordplay relies on the nuances of the Japanese language and Japanese script for humorous effect.
Japanese double entendres have a rich history in Japanese entertainment, because of the way that Japanese words can be read to have several different meanings and pronunciations (homographs). Also, several different spellings for any pronunciation and wildly differing meanings (homophones). Often replacing one spelling with another (homonyms) can give a new meaning to phrases.
Goroawase (語呂合わせ) is an especially common form of Japanese wordplay whereby homophonous words are associated with a given series of letters, numbers or symbols, in order to associate a new meaning with that series. The new words can be used to express a superstition about certain letters or numbers. More commonly, however, goroawase is used as a mnemonic technique, especially in the memorization of numbers such as dates in history, scientific constants, and phone numbers.
Stupid little fucker from outer space
I don't wanna see your ugly face
Lame ass shit go to the show
Shut your mouth what do you know
Oi!!(yeah whatever)
Follow every fucking trend
Timmy Armstrong's your best friend
I don't wanna see you puke
I'm sick of your friends and you
You're a rancid motherfucker and I don't