FK may refer to:
fk may refer to:
The Ant is a fictional superhero published by DC Comics. He started out as an opponent of the Teen Titans but ended up as their ally. The Ant first appeared in Teen Titans (vol. 1) #5 (September 1966), and was created by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy.
Eddie Whit's parents were a circus strongman and acrobat, and after they die, he becomes a juvenile delinquent. Eddie is sent to Lacklock Camp, a reform school of sorts. After being released, he gains custody of his younger brother Danny and takes a job at Zenith Caterer. The owner of Zenith, Krasko, claims he has proof that Danny is involved in gang-related crimes, and blackmails Eddie into committing burglaries under the costumed guise of the Ant. The Teen Titans are sent in to investigate, and when they learn the details of Eddie's situation they are sympathetic. During a robbery Ant turns against Krasko and helps the Teen Titans put him behind bars. As a reward for his cooperation, the Titans promise Ant that he will not serve a prison sentence, but will only have to spend some more time in Lacklock Camp.
The Ant (Danish: Myren)chair is a classic of modern chair design. It was designed in 1952 by Arne Jacobsen for use in the canteen of the Danish pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk. The Ant was named for its approximate similarity to the outline of an ant with its head raised.
The chair was designed to be light, stable, easy to stack up, and to minimise tangling the user's feet. The original model had three plastic legs and a seat made from form-moulded laminated veneer; Novo ordered just 300 of them. They were manufactured by Fritz Hansen. The chair has since proved very popular although the plastic in the legs was replaced by tubular steel, and a version with four legs was also made.
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Bobâlna (Olpret until 1957; Hungarian: Alparét; German: Krautfeld) is a commune in Cluj County, Romania, having a population of 1,888. It is composed of eleven villages: Antăş (Antos), Băbdiu (Zápróc), Blidăreşti (Tálosfalva), Bobâlna, Cremenea (Keménye), Maia (Mánya), Oşorhel (Erdővásárhely), Pruni (Nagymező), Răzbuneni (Radákszinye), Suarăş (Szóváros) and Vâlcelele (Bujdos).
The first document that mentions the village is from 1332. This village was the place where the 15th century Bobâlna revolt started.
According to the census from 2002 there was a total population of 1,888 people living in this town. Of this population, 99.76% are ethnic Romanians, 1.85% ethnic Romani and 1.37% are ethnic Hungarians.
Coordinates: 47°8′N 23°38′E / 47.133°N 23.633°E / 47.133; 23.633
The going-to future is a grammatical construction used in English to refer to various types of future occurrences. It is made using appropriate forms of the expression to be going to. It is an alternative to other ways of referring to the future in English, such as the future construction formed with will (or shall) – in some contexts the different constructions are interchangeable, while in others they carry somewhat different implications.
Constructions analogous to the English going-to future are found in some other languages, including French and Spanish.
The going-to future originated by the extension of the spatial sense of the verb go to a temporal sense (a common change, the same phenomenon can be seen in the preposition before). The original construction involved physical movement with an intention, such as "I am going [outside] to harvest the crop." The location later became unnecessary, and the expression was reinterpreted to represent a near future.
The colloquial form gonna and the other variations of it as mentioned in the following section result from a relaxed pronunciation of going to. They can provide a distinction between the spatial and temporal senses of the expression: "I'm gonna swim" clearly carries the temporal meaning of futurity, as opposed to the spatial meaning of "I'm going [in order] to swim".
Gonna (Helme) is a river of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Coordinates: 51°27′N 11°16′E / 51.450°N 11.267°E / 51.450; 11.267
"Gonna" is a song recorded by American country music artist Blake Shelton. It was released to radio on August 3, 2015 as the fourth single from his ninth studio album, Bringing Back the Sunshine. The song was written by Luke Laird and Craig Wiseman.
Co-writers Luke Laird and Craig Wiseman, who previously wrote Shelton's 2009 single "Hillbilly Bone", told Nash Country Weekly magazine that they did not have a song idea when they met during a songwriting session. Laird began beatboxing, providing Wiseman with a "structure" to which he began adding lyrics. Laird said that "We just wanted to write something that was fun for us to play", while praising Wiseman's "quirky lyrics". Thematically, the song is about a man professing his intent to start a relationship with a woman, basing the hook around the word "gonna". Nash Country Weekly described the song as a "mid-tempo with a slight reggae influence" plus "a faint vocal beatbox" and "a simple, memorable lead guitar riff that plays again before each verse".