GoDigital is a full service digital and video-on-demand (VOD) distribution company. Launched in 2008, the Beverly Hills-based company now has a library of over 1000 films ranging from independent cinema to award-winning documentaries and foreign films.GoDigital has direct deals with a number of primary VOD services, including iTunes, Netflix, Amazon.com, Hulu and YouTube.
GoDigital was incubated by GoDigital Media Group and spun out in 2012 as more fully detailed below. Co-founder Logan Mulvey was appointed the company’s CEO. Mulvey was featured in The Hollywood Reporter’s “Next Gen 2012: Hollywood’s Fastest-Rising Stars” and IndieWire's Anne Thompson calls him a "wunderkind” within the digital space. Mulvey is on the board of directors of the Entrepreneurs Organization and on the board of advisors of the San Diego Film Festival. He is a mentor at SXSW and a frequent speaker at digital entertainment conferences, including Variety’s BRIC Summit, Digital Hollywood, Variety’s Film Finance Summit, and the New York Film Commission at the Sundance Film Festival.