Norton GoBack (previously WildFile GoBack, Adaptec GoBack, and Roxio GoBack) is a Microsoft Windows based disk utility that can record up to 8 GB of disk changes. When the filesystem is idle for a few seconds, it marks these as "safe points". The product allows the disk drive to be restored to any point within the available history. It also allows older versions of files to be restored, and previous versions of the whole disk to be browsed. Depending on disk activity, the typical history might cover a few hours to a few days.
GoBack replaces the Master Boot Record, and also replaces the partition table with a single partition. This allows a hard drive to be changed back, even in the event that the Operating System is unable to boot, while also protecting the filesystem from alteration so that the revert information remains correct.
GoBack is compatible with hardware RAID drives.
Due to the changes made to the partition table, this can cause problems when dual booting other operating systems on the same hard disk. It is possible to retain dual-boot compatibility, but can involve saving the partition table before enabling GoBack, and after enabling GoBack, re-writing the partition table back to the disk (after booting from a different device, such as a Live CD).
Me dices que
a llegado el momento
de terminar lo nuestro
y te vas a marchar
Y aclaras que
como pasa en un cuento
siempre existe un principio
luego llega el final
Me dices que
es mejor que sigamos
cada quien por su lado
que me busque otro amor
Que asi es mejor
que para ti es perfecto
que se acabo aquel cuento
que digamos adios
Que poca, marcharte
sin sentir remordimiento
causarme un gran dolor
y un cruel tormento
al dar punto final
a nuestra historia
Que poca, me pides
que nomas seamos amigos
se me hace que te fallan
los sentidos, que poca
pena tienes al pedirlo
Me dices que
es mejor que sigamos
cada quien por su lado
que me busque otro amor
Que asi es mejor
que para ti es perfecto
que se acabo aquel cuento
que digamos adios
Que poca, marcharte
sin sentir remordimiento
causarme un gran dolor
y un cruel tormento
al dar punto final
a nuestra historia
Que poca, me pides
que nomas seamos amigos
se me hace que te fallan
los sentidos, que poca
madre tienes al pedirlo