
In particle physics, a glueball (or gluonium) is a hypothetical composite particle. It consists solely of gluon particles, without valence quarks. Such a state is possible because gluons carry color charge and experience the strong interaction. Glueballs are extremely difficult to identify in particle accelerators, because they mix with ordinary meson states.

Theoretical calculations show that glueballs should exist at energy ranges accessible with current collider technology. However, due to the aforementioned difficulty (among others), they have (as of 2015) so far not been observed and identified with certainty, although phenomenological calculations have suggested that an experimentally identified glueball candidate, denoted f_{0}(1710), has properties consistent with those expected of a Standard Model glueball.

The prediction that glueballs exist is one of the most important predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics that has not yet been confirmed experimentally. Glueballs are the only particles predicted by the Standard Model with total angular momentum (J) (sometimes called "intrinsic spin") that could be either 2 or 3 in their ground states.



Culo Bola

by: Ceca

Mesec nocas zove zemlju
mozda je i dobije
samo mene nece niko
presekla sam linije
Mislio si da sam jaka
da cu da izdrzim sve
a ja isto ko i svaka
pucam gde je najtanje
Ubijena celo vece sedim ja
ubijena od tih hladnih pogleda
ubijena dok ti letis oko nje
ubijena, culo bola zivo je
Nocas traze Atlantidu
ako je i pronadju
naci ce i mene tamo
'mesto u tvom narucju
Priznao si, na svoj nacin
lose si me tesio
popila sam koju vise
bas si me se resio
Jer ko tesi taj i gresi
a ti si pogresio
odlazim, ne mogu vise
bas si me se resio
