Glenford Myers
Glenford Myers (born December 12, 1946) is an American computer scientist, entrepreneur, and author. He founded two successful high-tech companies (RadiSys and IP Fabrics), authored eight textbooks in the computer sciences, and made important contributions in microprocessor architecture. He holds a number of patents, including the original patent on "register scoreboarding" in microprocessor chips. He has a BS in electrical engineering from Clarkson University, an MS in computer science from Syracuse University, and a PhD in computer science from the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.
Myers joined IBM in 1968 in its Poughkeepsie, N.Y. lab. After spending a few years working on developments associated with the System/360 mainframes, he moved to the prestigious IBM Systems Research Institute in New York City. There he headed up a small team of people developing an advanced computer system named "SWARD" (Software Oriented Architecture) incorporating such concepts as tagged storage, capability-based addressing, organization by objects, and a single-level store. The machine was built and successfully operated in 1980.