Heavy Gauge
Heavy Gauge is the 6th album by Japanese rock band Glay. In this album Glay dabbles in the gospel genre for the first time, using gospel choirs in songs such as "Will Be King" and "Happiness". This album also marks a milestone in Glay's career with their hit song "Winter, Again". The song won Single of the Year (1999) at the Japan Record Award. Many songs from the album were used in the Meiji Seika Kaisha advertising campaigns for their "Horn" and "Flan" product food lines. The album reached #1 on Oricon charts and sold about 2,370,000. The album was certified "Double Million" by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ).
Track listing
Heavy Gauge - 6:52
Fatsounds - 3:50
Survival - 4:24
Koko Dewanai, Dokoka e (ここではない、どこかへ) (Translation: To somewhere, that is not here) - 5:49
Happiness - 5:51
Summer FM - 5:11
Level Devil - 5:06
Be with You - 5:10
Winter, Again - 5:14
Will Be King - 7:30
Ikigai (生きがい) (Translation: Something to live for) - 5:57
Savile Row -3 Savile Row- (Savile Row ~サヴィル ロウ 3番地~) - 4:35