Glassine is a smooth and glossy paper that is air, water and grease resistant. It is usually available in thickness between 50-90 GSM. It is translucent unless dyes are added to color it or make it opaque. It is manufactured by supercalendering: after pressing and drying, the paper web is passed through a stack of alternating steel and fiber-covered rolls called a supercalender at the end of the paper machine such that the paper fibres flatten facing in the same direction.
Glassine is most commonly used as a base for further silicon coating for manufacture of Release Paper. Glassine is also employed as an interleaving paper in bookbinding, especially to protect fine illustrations from contact with facing pages; the paper can be manufactured with a neutral pH, and can prevent damage from spilling, exposure, or rubbing. Glassine adhesive tape has been used in book repair. In chemistry, glassine is used as an inexpensive weighing paper. It is used in foodservice as a barrier between strips of products (for example: meat, baked goods). Glassine is resistant to grease and facilitates separation of individual foodstuffs.
Make a man do the job of a little boy
Make a mountain of moleskin
Half of half is really just a quarter
A quarter of a life is all that you've really been livin
Driven to common denominator
You've got to be a part of something better
No need to be so scared now
You'll get what you've got comin
Everybody wants to fall in love
Because they can
Travel all around visit new places
But what is there to prove you ever walked along that sea line
No one to corroborate your days spent
You've got to find a witness to your heartbeat
No need to feel so left out
You'll get what you've got comin
Everybody wants to fall in love
And so they will
All your life
You look for someone
To make your life seem complete
Don't want to spend
Your whole life lonely
No one else has to
So why should you
No need to look so worried
You'll get what you've got comin
Everybody wants to fall in love
And so they will
There's nothing to be scared of
You'll get what you've got comin
Everybody wants to fall in love