Gjilan (Albanian) or Gnjilane (Serbian, Гњилане) is a city and municipality in eastern Kosovo. It is the administrative center of the District of Gjilan. It is famous for having recorded the lowest temperature in Kosovo with −32.5 °C (−26.5 °F) on 25 January 1963.
Gjilan is located in the southern Binačka Morava river basin (Binačko Pomoravlje).
Geographical position by Turkish chroniclers. In XVII century, Turkish descriptor track, Evliya Çelebi, quotes residence of Gjilan, with the name Morava, as administrative unit within the Vučitrn Albanian: "Vushtria: Sandzak. Çelebi writes that: "The seventeen day journey from Constantinople (Istanbul) to pass through Vranje Novo Brdo, Krivareka (Egridere) and Morava (Gjilan) The etymology of Gjilan is disputed. Albanian sources claim that the town (initially a village) obtained its name from Bahti Beg Gjinolli of Gjinaj clan that ruled the region of Vučitrn (Llapi and Drenica), and populated this area in the 18th century (around 1750). However, there is no definite evidence to support that claim, and in fact no one can confirm as to who the first true inhabitants were, or when they first settled there. On the other hand, Serbian sources claim that the origin of the town name is in the Serbian word gnjio (putrid, rotten).