Dorosoma is a genus of gizzard shads, fish of the herring family Clupeidae. The five species are native to the New World, and are known from both freshwater and the waters of estuaries and bays.
Dorosoma analeMeek, 1904 (Mexican river gizzard shad)
Gizzard Shad are attracted to the warm water refuge provided by Bruce Power's thermal discharge and as previously communicated Bruce Power proactively removed Unit 2 from service in February due to a ...
The unofficial start of the Mississippi River navigation season has begun. The Motor Vessel Neil N. Diehl went through Lock and Dam 2, in Hastings on Wednesday, with nine barges. Reaching Hasting and having access to St ... The St ... Paul likely gizzard shad ... .
The Trump administration will consider rolling back newly set limits on mercury emissions from the Iron Range’s taconite plants ... Cleveland-Cliffs and U.S ... But environmental groups have vowed to fight back ... Environment. ... Paul likely gizzard shad.
Dead gizzard shad float on the surface of the Cedar River near the boat launch at EllisHarbor in northwest Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Monday, Mar ... kill that resulted in thousands of dead gizzard shad.
In the waning days of winter, a particular species of fish ill-suited for the Minnesota cold — the gizzard shad — is prone toward going belly-up on the Mississippi in the southern part of the state.
Ahead of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Monday, MaryFischer was crowned Miss Shamrock earlier this week in St. Paul. Mary Fischer and ToddHurley, Miss Shamrock and Mr. Pat of the 2025 St. Paul St ... With Todd Hurley as Mr ... Paul likely gizzard shad ... .
The Shimoda Treaty, an appendix to the 1854 Japan-U.S ...Sushi Lab Mimatsu offers hand-pressed sushi with an array of ingredients, including kinmedai, tuna and “kohada” (young dotted gizzard shad), at a flat rate of 300 yen ($2.01) a piece ... .
Chris Mack, a fisheries biologist with the DNR who responds to fish kill events, said it was a naturally occurring event that killed “thousands” of gizzard shad ... A gizzard shad is essentially a “bigger ...
It's thawing frozen gizzard shad, most likely ... a fisheries biologist for the FPCC, who said it appeared the eagles were going for dead shad as the ice thaws. Gizzard shad often die over winter.