İzel is a rare feminine Turkish given name. It is a masculine name among the jews in Turkey, correlates with the name Israel. In Spanish, Izel means "only one", "unique".
İzel Çeliköz (born April 29, 1969 in Yalova), commonly known as İzel, is a Turkish pop singer. She was originally part of the Turkish pop trio İzel-Çelik-Ercan which represented Turkey in Eurovision Song Contest 1991, but after the group broke up in 1993, she decided to release solo albums. She is one of the most successful Turkish singers of the 1990s and 2000s.
İzel Çeliköz was born in Yalova, Turkey.
After deciding to start releasing solo albums, İzel released her solo debut album titled Adak.
In 1997, İzel released her second solo album titled Emanet which featured Mustafa Sandal on the opening track as well as listing him as a producer. She originally wanted the album to be produced by Ercan Saatçi and Aykut Gürel, but could not convince them to work together.
In 1999, İzel released her third album Bir Küçük Aşk. In this album, she worked with young composer Altan Çetin. All of the songs were written by Altan Çetin. The album closely sold 500.000 copies and created a successful career for her.