
Nashim (Hebrew: נשים, "Women" or "Wives") is the third order of the Mishnah (also of the Tosefta and Talmud), containing the laws related to women and family life. Of the six orders of the Mishna, it is the second shortest.

Nashim consists of 7 tractates:

  • Yebamoth: (יבמות, "Levirate marriage"); (or Yebamot or Yevamot), referring to the mandated marriage of a widow to her brother-in-law, deals with the Jewish law of levirate marriage (Deut. 25:5–10) and other topics, such as the status of minors. It consists of 16 chapters.
  • Ketubot: (כתובות, "Prenuptial agreements"); deals with the Ketubah (Judaism's prenuptial agreement), as well as topics such as virginity, Jus primae noctis and the obligations of a couple towards each other. It consists of 13 chapters.
  • Nedarim: (נדרים, "Vows"); deals with various types of vows, often known as nedarim, and their legal consequences. It consists of 11 chapters.
  • Nazir: (נזיר, "One who abstains"); deals with the details of the Nazirite vow and being a Nazirite (Num 6). It consists of 9 chapters.
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    Wake Up!

    by: Jade Ewen

    Hey Yeah
    I Cant Lose If i dont fight
    Im not wrong if this feels right
    You cant go if i dont go
    You cant quit if i say no
    I cant fail if i dont try
    I cant decieve if i dont lie
    You step forward then i step back
    You cant act if i dont act
    And you say im living in a dream
    state i gotta go my own way
    but i aint lettin' this slip now
    oh not now
    I dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that
    i dont wanna wake up
    cant say this is over
    dont you know that
    cause ive been workin'
    too hard for this for too long
    put in my heart and risked somemore
    I dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that
    I need you
    you you you
    you dont know and im so sure
    you cant leave and take my all
    and i cant lose it if i dont find
    i aint wrong if this feels right
    then you say i should be movin' on
    but i, i got no way to go
    without you so im stayin'
    oh im stayin'
    cause i dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that
    i dont wanna wake up
    cant say this is over
    dont you know that
    cause ive been workin'
    too hard for this for too long
    put in my heart and risked somemore
    I dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that
    I need you you you
    only you you you
    i want you you you
    cant you see that
    no one else will you
    let nobody hurt you
    i will do anything
    i will go anywhere
    baby yeah yeah yeah
    I dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that
    i dont wanna wake up
    cant say this is over
    dont you know that
    cause ive been workin'
    too hard for this for too long
    put in my heart and risked somemore
    I dont wanna wake up
    cant let go of me yet
    cant you see that

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