Gisela! oder: Die merk- und denkwürdigen Wege des Glücks (German for Gisela! or: The Strange and Memorable Ways of Happiness) is an opera by Hans Werner Henze.
It was first performed in the Maschinenhalle Zeche Zweckel, Gladbeck, Germany, on 25 September 2010 as part of the Ruhrtriennale music and arts festival by the contemporary music ensemble musikFabrik in collaboration with local youth groups and students of the Folkwang University, Essen. The work was commissioned 2008 by the Ruhr2010 (European Culture Capital 2010) and the Semperoper, Dresden,where it was performed on 20 November 2010. A performance lasts for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. The conductor Steven Sloane (who was also the music director of the Ruhr2010 festival) first performed the work. Pierre Audi directed, the cast included Hanna Herfurtner as Gisela, Fausto Reinhardt as Gennaro and Michael Dahmen as Hanspeter. The Semperoper team included the conductor Erik Nielsen and the director Elisabeth Stöppler, with Nadja Mchantaf as Gisela, Giorgio Beruggi as Gennaro and Markus Butter as Hanspeter.
Gisela is the name of:
Gisela is a Peruvian monthly magazine, founded by TV host Gisela Valcárcel.
Founded in 1993, the magazine is sold nationwide and has become one of the most popular magazines in the country and one of the most read in metropolitan Lima (94,000 readers) and the third most read by women (79,500 readers)
In December 2008, after 15 years of circulation, the magazine was suspended because Valcárcel was working hard in Los Reyes de la Pista (Perú) but was relaunched in November 2010 under a new editorial team.
It has women's tips including: Fashion, business, cooking, erotism, dieting and actors' news.
Aunque yo te diga adiós
no hay distancia entre los dos
pues mi corazón
jamás podrá arrancarte.
Nunca llores al partir
que aun hay tanto por vivir
yo estare siempre aqui
siguiendote los pasos.
Mas allá de este sol
de este azul celestial
dentro mio mi amor
hay un sitio especial.
Como el río que encuentra
su cauce hacia el mar
como ayer,como siempre seré,tu hogar.
Cuando el tiempo deje atrás
aquello que amamos más
nuestro amor crecerá
haciendose fuerte.
Cada dia hasta el final
a través del bien y el mal
tú me acompañaras
no imposta la distancia.
Mas allá de este sol
de este azul celestial
dentro mio mi amor
hay un sitio especial.
Como el río que encuentra
su cauce hacia el mar
como ayer,como siempre seré,tu hogar.
Yo creo en ti
pues nadie más me ha hecho sentir asi
y este amor vivirá
toda la eternidad.
Mas allá de este sol
de este azul celestial
dentro mio mi amor
hay un sitio especial.
Como el río que encuentra
su cauce hacia el mar
como ayer,como siempre seré...
mas alla.....tu hogar
Como el río que encuentra
su cauce hacia el mar
como ayer,como siempre seré...
mas alla....