Gingival fibers
The gingival fibers are the connective tissue fibers that inhabit the gingival tissue adjacent to teeth and help hold the tissue firmly against the teeth. They are primarily composed of type I collagen, although type III fibers are also involved.
These fibers, unlike the fibers of the periodontal ligament, in general, attach the tooth to the gingival tissue, rather than the tooth to the alveolar bone.
Functions of the gingival fibers
The gingival fibers accomplish the following tasks:
They hold the marginal gingiva against the tooth
They provide the marginal gingiva with enough rigidity to withstand the forces of mastication without distorting
They serve to stabilize the marginal gingiva by uniting it with both the tissue of the more rigid attached gingiva as well as the cementum layer of the tooth.
Gingival fibers and periodontitis
In theory, gingival fibers are the protectors against periodontitis, as once they are breached, they cannot be regenerated. When destroyed, the gingival sulcus (labelled G in the diagram) increases in depth apically, allowing more debris and bacteria to remain in intimate contact with the delicate sulcular and junctional epithelia for longer times.