Ginde Beret (Afan Oromo: Gindabarat) is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the West Shewa Zone, Ginde Beret is bordered on the south by Jeldu, on the southwest by Ambo, on the west by the Guder River which separates it from the Horo Guduru Welega Zone, on the north by the Abay River which separates it from the Amhara Region, on the east by the Muger River which separates it from the North Shewa Zone, and on the southeast by Meta Robi. The major town in Gindeberet is Kachise (also called Kachisi). Abuna Gindeberet woreda was separated from Ginde Beret.
This woreda is divided into two agro-ecological zones, locally called badda-daree, or mid-land, which comprises 40% of the total area and has an altitude ranging between 1500 and 2604 meters above sea level, and gammojjii, or low-lands, which comprises 60% and has an altitude between 1000 and 2500 meters; the badda-daree zone is much cooler and receives more rainfall than the gammojjii. The cultivated area covers 40.8% of the woreda (of which 32.7% of the total area is planted in annual crops), while 36.1% is pasture, 1.3% forest, 9% shrubland, 8.8% degraded on non-arable land, 2% is covered by bodies of water, and all other categories of land makes up the remaining 2%.
broken moments in time couls till shine
but they're getting old
if you could see the world with my eyes
you'd be so surprised at what you'd know
so, if you see my angel of light
with her sweet wine
could you let me know
because i think she's gone again
fatal are these moments of trust
that pleases us and who would know
helped here by the passions of life
now strife won't let me go
so, if you see my angel of light
with her sweet wine
i thik she needs to know
that i've gone again
i've really gone again
i think i'm gone again