Gina Din (born 23 October 1961) is a businesswoman in East Africa, particularly Kenya, specializing in strategic communication and public relations. She worked at Barclays Bank for 14 years. Some of her clients include Safaricom, Kenya Airways, KCB and Kenya Red Cross. Din was born in Nanyuki, Kenya. and attended the London School of Journalism. She was named by the New African magazine as one of 100 Most Influential Africans in business. Din is married to Christopher Kariuki.
Gevurah or geburah (גבורה) is the fifth sephirah in the kabbalistic tree of life, and it is the second of the emotive attributes of the sephirot. It sits below Binah, across from Chesed, and above Hod.
Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire,'
In the Bahir it is written "And who are the Officers? We learned that there are three. Strength (Gevurah) Is the Officer of all the Holy Forms to the left of the Blessed Holy One. He is Gabriel."
Gevurah is associated with the color red.
Gevurah is the fifth of the ten Sefirot, and second of the emotive attributes in Creation, and which corresponds to the second day of creation(Zohar 2:127b). In the Bahir it says "What is the fifth (utterance)? Fifth is the great fire of God, of which it says 'let me see no more of this great fire, lest I die (Deut 18:16). This is the left hand of God".
Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice. This stands in contrast to Chesed.
Dīn (دين, also anglicized as Deen) is a Persian word which is commonly associated with Zoroastrianism and Islam, but it is also used in Sikhism and Arab Christian worship. The term is loosely associated with "religion", but as used in the Qur'an, it means the way of life in which righteous Muslims are obligated to adopt in order to comply with divine law (Quran and sunnah), or Shari'a, and to the divine judgment or recompense to which all humanity must inevitably face without intercessors before God. Thus, although secular Muslims would say that their practical interpretation of Dīn conforms to "religion" in the restricted sense of something that can be carried out in separation from other areas of life, both mainstream and reformist Muslim writers take the word to mean an all-encompassing way of life carried out under the auspices of God's divine purpose as expressed in the Qur'an and hadith. As one notably progressive Muslim writer puts it, far from being a discrete aspect of life carried out in the mosque, "Islam is Dīn, a complete way of life".
DIN 41612 is a DIN standard for electrical connectors that are widely used in rack based electrical systems. Standardisation of the connectors is a pre-requisite for open systems, where users expect components from different suppliers to operate together. The most widely known use of DIN 41612 connectors is in the VMEbus system. They were also used by NuBus. The standard has subsequently been upgraded to international standards IEC 60603-2 and EN 60603-2.
DIN 41612 connectors are used in STEbus,Futurebus, VMEbus, Multibus II, NuBus, VXI Bus, eurocard TRAM motherboards, and Europe Card Bus, all of which typically use male DIN 41612 connectors on Eurocards plugged into female DIN 41612 on the backplane in a 19-inch rack chassis.
The standard describes connectors which may have one, two or three rows of contacts, which are labelled as rows a, b and c. Two row connectors may use rows a+b or rows a+c. The connectors may have 16 or 32 columns, which means that the possible permutations allow 16, 32, 48, 64 or 96 contacts. The rows and columns are on a 0.1 inch (2.54 mm) grid pitch. Insertion and removal force are controlled, and three durability grades are available.
Gina may refer to:
GINA may refer to:
Gina, mentioned in the Amarna Letters, was a town in ancient Canaan. The citizens of Gina were responsible for the death of Labaya. The town was later known as Beth-Hagan and was probably located roughly on the spot of the modern town of Jenin.
Amarna letter 250 records the only mention of Gina. It explains (in passing) the recent killing of Labaya, and the resultant of dealing with his two sons.
An excerpt of the mostly complete 60-line letter:
Number Six is a family of fictional characters from the reimagined science fiction television series, Battlestar Galactica. She is portrayed by Canadian actress and model Tricia Helfer. Of the twelve known Cylon models, she is the sixth of the "Significant Seven". Like the others of the "Significant Seven", there are several versions of her, including Caprica-Six, Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, Natalie Faust, Lida and Sonja. She is the only model that does not use one particular human alias for all copies.
The character was named after Number Six, Patrick McGoohan's character from the show The Prisoner.
Six is a seductive, statuesque Cylon infiltrator. She was the first example shown of a new generation of Cylons capable of adapting to human form and emotions. Little else is known of her earlier years. She can, like other Cylons, retain memories which can be downloaded into another body if the original body is killed. Like her counterparts, her body was designed to mimic the human body at the cellular level, making her almost undetectable to testing procedures, and there are many copies of her in existence. Sixes and Eights are the Humanoid Cylon models shown most frequently. Sixes tend to have individualistic traits, and are considerably susceptible to the full array of human emotions. Although extremely effective and adaptive, Sixes always show certain disdain for their given chores and dislike being treated as expendable. Most versions of Six have platinum-blonde hair, including Caprica-Six, Shelly Godfrey and Sonja. Others such as Gina Inviere, Natalie Faust and Lida have honey-blonde hair, and one Six with black hair has been observed.
oh uh oh ehhhh
mamaeh mamaeh
si es que estas buscando una razon
o en tu vida no existe otro color
apreta firme tus manos
muchos te van cuidando
y ahora no ya no quiero verte asi
ohh no
mira a tu alrededor
ohh no
ya no quiero verte asi
lo simple es lo mejor
y vivo esperandote
y vivo esperandote iehhh (x2)
ohhhh yeahh (x2)
quiero mostrarte lo que siento
la belleza de este mundo de nuevo
tu puedes dar amor
tu puedes ser mejor
ahora no
ya no quiero verte asi
oh no
lo simple es lo mejor
tanto tiempo yo espere mi corazon
tanto tiempo yo soñe ehhhh
y vivo esperandote eh
y vivo esperandote iehhh (x2)
uohhhhhhhh iehhhh (x2)