Gildor Inglorion
Gildor Inglorion is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, appearing in The Fellowship of the Ring. He was a Noldorin Elf of the House of Finrod. In The Lord of the Rings he met Frodo Baggins and his friends in the Shire. The appearance of his band (along with the chants to Elbereth) warded off the Black Rider searching for the Hobbits.
In "Three is Company" (chapter three of The Fellowship of the Ring), Gildor's company of elves had come from Rivendell and were returning home after a pilgrimage to the Emyn Beraid when they met Frodo. At that moment, the three hobbits, Frodo, Sam and Pippin, were in danger of being discovered by a Nazgûl. The approach of the elves and their song to Elbereth drove off the enemy. The elves provided food and shelter to the hobbits. Gildor advised Frodo not to wait for Gandalf, and to avoid the Black Riders – and he made a great impression on Samwise Gamgee. Gildor at this time named Frodo an elf-friend and pledged to advise other elves of his journey.