Rockin' Squat

Mathias Crochon (French pronunciation: [matjas kʁɔˈʃɔ̃]), better known as Rockin' Squat ([ʁɔkin ˈskwat]), is a French MC. He is the son of the actor Jean-Pierre Cassel and the brother of Vincent Cassel and Cécile Cassel. In the mid-80s, he created the famous rap group Assassin, becoming the first artist of this scene to mention politics and social problems in his records. The subjects of his rap songs include modern slavery ("Esclave 2000"), ecology ("Sauvons la planète"), political prisoners ("Écrire contre l'oubli"), women's rights ("L'objet" and "L'Entrave a nos jouissances"), racism ("Peur d'une race"), the NWO ("Démocratie fasciste : Article 1, 2, 3 and 4", "Illuminazi 666") or African colonisation ("France à fric"). He has collaborated with artists such as KRS-One, Supernatural, Olodum, Immortal Technique, Cheick Tidiane Seck, El-P, RZA, Agallah The Don Bishop, RA the Rugged Man or Wise Intelligent. His triple album, "Confessions d'un enfant du siècle", has been released between 2008 and 2010.

