Going Away Party
Jeff & Sheri Easter
Born in 1900 she had her share of hard times
And at the age of 15 she met the love of her life
And how she adored Him, loved Him to her dying day
So we celebrated when we put her in the grave
We threw a going away party
The event of the year
The day that she lived for
Is finally here
The one that she loved
Wants her by His side
So strike up the band
It's party time
For many a year she served her community well
And on occasion she'd stumble
But it's saying that God never fails
She was in love with Jesus
He always stayed on her mind
And now they're together
Having one Heavenly time
We threw a going away party
The event of the year
The day that she lived for
Is finally here
The one that she loved
Wants her by His side
So strike up the band
It's party time
The one that she loved
He wants her by His side
Strike up the band
It's party time
Strike up the band