Caspar Friedrich Wolff observed organization of the early embryo in leaf-like layers. In 1817, Heinz Christian Pander discovered three primordial germ layers while studying chick embryos. Between 1850 and 1855, Robert Remak had further refined the germ cell layer concept, and introduced into English were the terms "mesoderm" by Huxley in 1871 and "ectoderm" and "endoderm" by Lankester in 1873.
a hard outer coating known as bran, a small core known as the germ and a large, starchy middle layer called endosperm ... Removing the germ and bran from grains also removes significant amounts of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.
The very small size of some fragments may allow them to cross the blood-brain barrier, the tightly locked layer of cells that defends the brain from germs and other harmful substances ... ALAMY ... • Is it time to give your kitchen a detox? ... ALAMY ... UK. Science.