A geoxyle is a plant in which an enlarged, woody structure occurs beneath the surface of the ground. Such plants have developed independently in various plant lineages, mostly evolving in the Pliocene and subsequently diverging within the last two million years. In contrast to their close relatives, these plants have developed in areas with both high rainfall and a high frequency of fires. They are sometimes known as underground trees, and the areas where they grow as underground forests.
The geoxylic growth forms of woody subshrubs is characterised by massive lignotubers or underground woody axes from which emerge aerial shoots which may be ephemeral. These growth forms are found in savannahs in southern Africa. It is thought they developed in tandem with the spread of savannahs which resulted in an increase in tall grasses which are easily flammable during the long dry season associated with the savannah climate. Some well-known examples of geoxyles are the sand apple (Parinari capensis), the plough-breaker (Erythrina zeyheri), the red wings (Combretum platypetalum) and the wild grape (Lannea edulis). Others are Ancylobotrys petersiana, Diospyros galpinii, Elephantorrhiza elephantina, Eugenia albanensis, Eugenia capensis, Maytenus nemorosa, Pachystigma venosum and Salacia kraussii.
I never knew no kind of flame before
I never knew a love to run up so fast
Just to run me down.
I never new a girl to take my love so strong
Just to leave me lonely come summer's end.
I'd gladly let the ladies pass me by
Just to save me heartache.
Don't tell me that you love me
Don't tell me that you'll keep me in your heart
Don't tell me that I must be strong 'cause you're moving on
Just say you'll love me into the dawn.
All I ever wanted was some good times.
But now it's gone and grown so bad --
I need you so.
I tried to hide my love with pride
But girl you saw right through me.
Yes, you know the score.
You know the score.
If the time should come
You find that you are leaving.
If the time should come you find you must go...
Don't tell me that you love me
Don't tell me that you'll keep me in you're heart
Don't tell me that I must be strong
That you're moving on
Just say you'll love me into the dawn.
You don't have to school me
'cause I know the time.
You're headed back to your man.
But if I could go back with you where you are
I would stay there with you.
Then the summer ended
And the day did come when you would go
But don't you start to cry
Just hold on...
And don't tell me that you love me...
Don't tell me
Into the dawn
But if i, I could go back with you where you are