George Tobias (July 14, 1901 – February 27, 1980) was an American actor. He was best known for his role as Abner Kravitz on the television sitcom, Bewitched.
Born to a Jewish family in New York, he began his acting career at the Pasadena Playhouse in Pasadena, California. He then spent several years in theater groups before moving on to Broadway and, eventually, Hollywood. In 1939, Tobias signed with Warner Brothers and was cast in supporting roles, many times along with James Cagney, in such movies as Cagney's Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), as well as with Gary Cooper in Sergeant York (1941) and Irving Berlin, Ronald Reagan, and George Murphy in This Is The Army (1943).
From 1959 to 1961, Tobias played Penrose in eight episodes of the ABC television series, Adventures in Paradise, starring Gardner McKay. From 1964 to 1971, he played Abner Kravitz, the long-suffering neighbor on the ABC sitcom, Bewitched.
Tobias often appeared in an uncredited role as a courtroom spectator on CBS's Perry Mason and played Sidney Falconer in the episode, "The Case of the Antic Angel" (1964).
George Wolfe Robert Tobias (1882-1974) was the third Anglican Bishop of Damaraland (Namibia) from 1939 to 1949.
George Wolfe Robert Tobias was born in 1882, the son of the Reverend Charles Frederick Tobias, Vicar of St. Augustine's, Kimberley (and afterwards Archdeacon of Caledon), and his wife, Ethel Eliza Smith.
He was educated at the Diocesan College (“Bishops”) (1896-1902); at the University of the Cape of Good Hope (BA, and Queen Victoria Scholarship, 1902); at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (Scholar; second class, moral science tripos, 1905; first class, history tripos, and BA, 1906; MA, 1910); and at Cuddesdon Theological College (1906-1907).
Made Deacon in 1907, and Priest, on St. Matthew's Day, 21 September 1908, by the Bishop of Wakefield, he served as Curate of King Cross, Halifax, in the diocese of Wakefield, 1907-1910. Thereafter he returned to Cape Town and was licensed as Assistant Priest of St. Mary's, Woodstock on 18 November 1910. In 1915 he joined the ranks of the South African Medical Corps, and was wounded at the Battle of Delville Wood in July 1916). He was appointed as a temporary Chaplain to the Forces (South African Overseas Brigade), in 1917, was again wounded, and was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in 1918.