Georg Mohr
Jørgen Mohr (Latinised Georg(ius) Mohr) (1 April 1640 – 26 January 1697) was a Danish mathematician, known for being the first to prove the Mohr–Mascheroni theorem, which states that any geometric construction which can be done with compass and straightedge can also be done with compasses alone.
Mohr was born in Copenhagen, the son of a tradesman named David Mohrendal. Beginning in 1662 he traveled to the Netherlands, to study mathematics with Christiaan Huygens. In 1672 he published his first book, Euclides Danicus, simultaneously in Copenhagen and Amsterdam, in Danish and Dutch respectively. This book, proving the Mohr–Mascheroni theorem 125 years earlier than Lorenzo Mascheroni, would languish in obscurity until its rediscovery in 1928. Mohr served in Franco-Dutch War in 1672–1673, and was taken prisoner by the French. By 1673, he had published his second book, Compendium Euclidis Curiosi. A third book was later mentioned by Mohr's son; for many years this was believed to be the Gegenübung auf Compendium Euclidis Curiosi but Andersen & Meyer (1985) argue that it must be a different book, and that the Gegenübung has a different author. As well as his work on geometry, Mohr contributed to the theory of nested radicals, with the aim of simplifying Cardano's formula for the roots of a cubic polynomial.