Various sizes of geofoam blocks at a construction site.

Geofoam is expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene (XPS) manufactured into large lightweight blocks. The blocks vary in size but are often 2 m x 0.75 m x 0.75 m. The primary function of geofoam is to provide a lightweight void fill below a highway, bridge approach, embankment or parking lot. EPS Geofoam minimizes settlement on underground utilities. Geofoam is also used in much broader applications, the major ones being as lightweight fill, green roof fill, compressible inclusions, thermal insulation, and (when appropriately formed) drainage.[1]

The area of geofoam can nicely segue into geocombs, previously called ultralight cellular structures which Horvath [2] defines as “any manufactured material created by an extrusion process that results in a final product that consists of numerous open-ended tubes that are glued, bonded, fused or otherwise bundled together.” The cross-sectional geometry of an individual tube typically has a simple geometric shape (circle, ellipse, hexagon, octagon, etc.) and is of the order of 25 mm across. The overall cross-section of the assemblage of bundled tubes resembles a honeycomb that gives rise to its name. Presently, only rigid polymers (polypropylene and PVC) have also been used as geocomb material.


History [link]

The first use of EPS Geofoam was in Olso, Norway in 1972. Geofoam was used in the embankments around the Flom Bridge in an effort to reduce settlements. Prior to installing Geofoam, this area experienced 20-30 centimeters of settlement annually causing extreme roadway damage.[3]

Due to the success of the Oslo Geofoam project, the first International Geofoam Conference was held in Oslo, Norway in 1985 so engineers could exchange knowledge, research results, share new applications, and discuss case histories. Since then, two more conferences were held in Tokyo, Japan and Salt Lake City, USA 1996 and 2001, respectively. The next conference is planned for June 2011 in Lillestrom, Norway.[4]

Between 1985 to 1987, Japan used over 1.3 million cubic meters of Geofoam in 2,000 projects. Testing and use of Geofoam in these projects demonstrated the potential advantages of Geofoam as a light-weight fill. For example, Geofoam was placed beneath runways in Japanese airports, proving the material can sustain heavy and repeated pressure.[3]

Geofoam was first used in the United States was in 1989 on Highway 160 between Durango and Mancos, Colorado. An increase in rainfall caused a landslide, destroying part of the highway. Geofoam was used to create highway side slope stabilization to prevent any similar issues. The use of Geofoam in this project versus conventional restoration resulted in a cost savings of 500%.[5]

The largest Geofoam project in the United States lasted from 1997 to 2001 on Interstate 15 in Utah. Geofoam was chosen to minimize that amount of utilities that would need to be relocated or remodeled for the project. A total of 3.53 million cubic feet of Geofoam was used, and approximately $450,000 was saved by not needing to relocate utility poles.[6] Geofoam was also used in embankments and bridge abutments for base stability.[5]

Applications [link]

Slope Stabilization [link]

Slope Stabilization is the use of Geofoam in order to reduce the mass and gravitational force in an area that may be subject to failure, such as a landslide. Geofoam is up to 50 times lighter that other traditional fills with similar compressive strengths. This allows Geofoam to maximize the available right-of-way on an embankment. Geofoam’s light weight accompanied by its ease to install reduces construction time and labor costs.


Embankments [link]

Embankments using Geofoam allow for a great reduction in necessary side slopes compared to typical fills. Reducing the side slope of the embankment can increase the usable space on either side. These embankments can also be built upon soils affected by differential settlement without being affected. Maintenance costs associated with Geofoam embankments are significantly lower when compared to embankments using natural soil.

Retaining Structures [link]

Retaining Structures using Geofoam have a reduction in lateral pressure as well as prevent settlement and improve water proofing. Geofoam light weight will reduce the lateral force on a retaining wall or abutment. It is important to install a draining system under the Geofoam to insure that you don’t have problems with built up hydrostatic pressure or buoyancy.

Geofoam used in retaining wall

Utility Protection [link]

Utility Protection is possible by using Geofoam to reduce the vertical stresses on pipes and other sensitive utilities. Reducing the weight on top of a utility by using Geofoam instead of a typical soil prevents utilities from potential issues, such as collapses.

Pavement Insulation [link]

Pavement Insulation is the use of Geofoam under pavement where pavement thickness can be controlled by frost heave conditions. Using Geofoam as a sub-grade insulation element will decrease this differential thickness. Geofoam is 98% air by volume, making it an effective thermal insulator. Proper installation of Geofoam is especially important as gaps between Geofoam blocks will work against Geofoam insulating effects.

Advantages [link]

Advantages of using Geofoam include:

  • Low density/ high strength: Geofoam is 1% to 2 % the density of soil with equal strength.[3]
  • Predictable behavior: Geofoam allows engineers to be much more specific in the design criteria. This is very different than other lightweight fillers, such as soil, that can be very variable in composition.
  • Inert: Geofoam will not breakdown, so it will not spread into surrounding soils. This means that Geofoam will not pollute the surrounding soil. Geofoam can also be dug up and reused.
  • Limited labor required for construction: Geofoam can be installed by hand using simple hand tools. This eliminates the investment and operating cost of heavy machinery.
  • Cuts down on construction time: Geofoam is quick to install and can be installed during any type of weather, day or night, resulting in faster installation time.

Disadvantages [link]

Disadvantages of using Geofoam include:

  • Fire hazards: Untreated Geofoam is a fire hazard.
  • Vulnerable to petroleum solvents: If Geofoam comes in contact with a petroleum solvent, it will immediately turn into a glue-type substance, making it unable to support any load.
  • Buoyancy: Forces developed because of buoyancy can result in a dangerous uplift force.
  • Susceptible to insect damage: Geofoam should be treated to resist insect infestation. If it is not, insects such as ants can burrow into the Geofoam, weakening the material.

Specifications [link]

Physical Properties of EPS Geofoam
Density, min. kg/m3 11.2 14.4 18.4 21.6 28.8
Compressive Resistance @ 1% deformation, min., kPa 15 25 40 50 75
Flexural Strength min., kPa 69 172 207 276 345
Water Absorption by total immersion, max., volume % 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0
Oxygen Index, min., volume % 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
Buoyancy Force kg/m3 952 955 958 961 969
Physical Properties of EPS Geofoam
Density, min. lb/ft3 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.35 1.80
Compressive Resistance @ 1% deformation, min., psi 2.2 3.6 5.8 7.3 10.9
Flexural Strength min., psi 10.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Water Absorption by total immersion, max., volume % 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0
Oxygen Index, min., volume % 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
Buoyancy Force lb/ft3 59.4 59.6 59.8 60.0 60.5


See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ Koerner, R. M. (2005). Designing with Geosynthetics (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall Pub. Co.. p. 785 
  2. ^ Hovath, J. S. (May 1995). "Proceedings International Geotechnical Symposium on Polystyrene Foam in Below-Ground Applications". New York: Manhattan College. 
  3. ^ a b c Elragi, Ahmed Fouad. "Selected Engineering Properties and Applications of EPS Geofoam - Introduction." Softoria Group. 2006. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
  4. ^ Norwegian Public Roads Administration, and Tekna. "4th International Conference on Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications." Tekna. Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
  5. ^ a b Geofoam Research Center. Syracuse University Syracuse, 2000. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
  6. ^ Meier, Terry. "Lighter Loads: Geofoam Shortens Construction Schedules by Reducing the Weight of Embankment Fill and Settlement Time." HubDot. HubDot, 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
  7. ^ "Universal Specification for Geofoam Fills." GeoTech Systems Corporation. GeoTech Systems Corporation, 1 Jan. 2005. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. <>.
  8. ^ "EPS Block Geofoam - Meeting Project Specifications." EPS Molders Association. Web. 11 Nov. 2010. <>.
  • Horvath, John S. Geofoam Geosynthetic: a Monograph. Scarsdale, NY: Horvath Engineering, 1995. Print.

External links [link]



Give Me

by: Atmosphere

I'm a slow typer, a so-so writer
Been the shit ever since I was an infant in diapers
And Imma be dope all the way to the end
From the cradle to the grave, the pampers to the depends
Get enough love, got enough friends
But on a regular basis, it's safe to say I got the bends
And I didn't mean to ignore that vibe you sent
I guess my mind was probably on my rent
I got my mind on my tummy and my tummy on my mind
Some assembly required, let me run it down the line
The factory is open, time card punched
Until lunchtime, it's crunch time
Back to work fool.
First rule is to keep the verse true, even if it hurts you
You gotta wear the pain like a stain
Respect the listener, respect the game
Because there's more to gain than just some dinner and fame
Gimme the money, but don't you dare stop there
Gimme the mic, that's the tool, and I play it cool
Gimme the life, I seen things that used to be dreams
Gimme the love, my name's Slug, gimme a pound or a hug
And I'mma play this game
I just wanna say all I really want is for you to remember my name
And Imma run for as long as I'm allowed
Hope to god I inspire some of yall
See I'm that cat that used to sit in the back and study
Looking for some proof that god loves ugly
Flash forward a decade later in your town
Somehow a good number of yall got down
And it's solid, fresh, dope, whatever you wanna call it
Not bad for an aspiring sociopathic alcoholic
Aw shit, look at Slug, still rockin the same outfit
Tryin' to make the belly grow bigger than the wallet
Hey yo man, how you doin, how you been
Just makin it cool to rap about love again
Not the hippie stuff, I'm talkin bout that bitch that gets you nuts
(Did he say bitch?) Yo I'm sorry, don't tell my baby's mommy
Speakin of baby,
There'll be a crateful of albums for my son to page through
Thinkin daddy was a gun
With a handful of heads that put me up til they had some samples from
Ant and fake them what the fuck I said
Still goin, still maintainin, still standin in the land of snow and purple
And I'm still waitin for my date to kiss me or slap me
Cause there ain't no way that I can be happy when I'm happy
Gimme the money, but don't you dare stop there
Gimme the mic, that's the tool, and I play it cool
Gimme the life, I've seen things that used to be dreams
Gimme the love, my name's Slug, gimme a pound or a hug
And I'mma play this game
I just wanna say all I really want is for you to remember my name
And Imma run for as long as I'm allowed
Hope to god I inspire some of yall
I've had the pleasure of speaking with some of you (yeah you)
Come on now, don't act like you don't know who I'm talkin to
After that show, when you approached me like you know me
The cd I sold you, the secrets that you told me
On that world you vision, through the layers of tears
The ones you choke and keep hidden when the players are near
I watch you chase it with beers and frustration and fear
Try to figure out why the hell I came here
Well I don't know either, and I'm not ready to take a breather neither
All I know is I'm still a believer
So you can beat me up, or you can beat me off
Pick a side, any side, and let me do my job
If you've got a lot of love to give, but you don't know who to give it to
Imma turn out the lights and light this cigarette
And write a song about you (this one's for you)
Gimme the money, but don't you dare stop there
Gimme the mic, that's the tool, and I play it cool
Gimme the life, I've seen things that used to be dreams
Gimme the love, my name's Slug, gimme a pound or a hug
And I'mma play this game
I just wanna say all I really want is for you to remember my name
And Imma run for as long as I'm allowed
Hope to god I inspire some of yall
Please god (but don't you dare stop there)
That's the tool and I play it cool
I've seen things that used to be dreams
