Masure is a village located in Malvan taluka of Sindhudurg district, southernmost district of Maharashtra, India, across coastal line. It is around 480 km from Mumbai.
Nearest railway station is Kankavli 30 km and Kudal 35 km.
The old name of Masure during Aadilshah period was Mahmoodabad. Many dargahs of Muslim saints are situated in masure. Most famus are of Hazrat Sayyed Ahmad Qadari Sajjad ul Bagdadi, Hazrat Lal Shah Wali. Dargah of Hazrat Sayyed Mustafa Qadari Sajjad ul Bagdadi is situated in Juva. Jama Masjid is situated at walking distance from the Dargah of Sayyed Ahmad Qadari
Masure also has a fort situated at eastern side . This fort is called BHARATGAD FORT. This fort is estimated to be 400 years old,which is now undergoing renovation. It is said that the fort was constructed during the time of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. However, as time passed the fort went under the darkness of history.
Masure has plenty of small localities each locality is called a Wadi. One such famous place is Anganechi Wadi, the place where Bharadi Devi's temple is situated. Other wadis include Gadgherawadi, Medawadi, mardewadi,etc. At Deoolwada, as the name suggests, you could visit temples of Maoolidevi, Bharateshwar, Dattatreya, Vetal, Ravalnath etc. The temple of goddess Pawnai is located nearby Masure bus stand.